PSP2, NGP Sucks because its all been done before
written by owen, published: 2011-Jan-29, read 5829 times.
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written by owen, published: 2011-Jan-29, read 5829 times.
Darksasuke75 commented: You made some good points because this system is nothing new sony is just copying eveything from everyone else like nintendo,apple,and other companies and putting it into one system and for the pice of it you may as well just buy a ps3 ps2,and or wii. With all this $hi+ in the system it you can probably only get about 2 hours on it plus it probably wont fit in you poket it will weigh alot and the batter is gonna have to be as big as life. Im shooting for the nintendo 3ds it has much more to offer and its officialy coming out March 27th! The Nintendo 3ds can handle everything in it including the 3d getting about 5-6 hours on it plus its light and fits in your pocket and it probably wont over heat because none of my previous ds's have over heated! [smile] ... read 13 more
written by owen, published 2011-Jan-28, comment
Sometimes I read too much into things. I cannot tell if this is a good start to the year or not. (what)
This afternoon I was listening to the news on the radio and it was reported that the most wanted Dog Paw was captured in the presence of 2 females in Red Hills. The females were said to be graduates of a prominent university in Kingston. I guess it just goes to show that (having gone to a University)
university really doesn't teach you any life lessons and that Good Girls will always go for the Bad Boys. So it go.
The Gangs seems to be in turmoil. Lots of innocent people getting killed in the mix. I though(t) all the gunmen died in Tivoli during the Incursion and extradition of Dudus. I guess Dudus may in fact be just another one of the many unnamed gangsters waiting to made a person of interest.
Lawyers (are) charging $30,000 JMD per hour; its no wonder people have to demonstrate for "Justice" all the time. There is really no other way to attain it. Really I think they should block the road more often. Clearly only politicians can afford justice and SUVs to protect them in accidents. That dual citizenship lady must have been a hot girl in high school cause she has friends in high places. Accidents are bad overall and I mean, they are accidents but people keep driving and using their cellphones. If it is a female in the accident people assume she was sleeping, if it was a man then he was speeding on NOS. I guess stereotypes have a purpose. Condolances to all the families, I don't think this year will be under 300 deaths in car accidents.
I am really not going to say anything about Manatt, Phelps & Phillips except that everytime I hear it reference I hear rythme for Straight Jeans and Fitted in the back of my head. There is a live stream that you can watch online - not sure how exciting that would be but somebody will link it in the comments. These people need to have people watching over them at all times, why wait a whole year to investigate shit? They old, they probably done forgot how it went down.
Soon people will start striking for more pay again, even as the minimum wage gets a slight increase. there are bi easy ways to grow the economy, this will not be a come back year.
comment 2
Falmouth Community commented: The Manhatt affair is getting drawn out, but it is reaching the climax. I can't wait to see KD Knight against Prime Minister Golding! ... read 1 more
written by Stephie, published 2011-Jan-24, comment
escovitch Snapper Morgan's Harbour style...BB, check, fish taste, check, check, check!!! :)
Mad Bull commented: What a fish yellow! It want a tan! Mussi never go beach in a long time. ... read 6 more
written by Stephie, published 2011-Jan-24, comment
Steamed Fish @ Morgan's Harbour, wasn't my plate so i can't comment on the taste...
written by mad bull, published 2011-Jan-23, comment
I saw somewhere that you had tagged photos that go into this category as soft porn. Well, when I look at this photo, it makes me think ALL kinds of naughty thoughts, so I figure it qualifies...
comment 3
owen commented: I have no idea where you could have seen that. why is that girl wearing blue shoes, omg, the nerve. ... read 2 more