Food and Eats » Icecream and Jello
written by owen, published 2010-Aug-19, comment

Somethings just never get old
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written by owen, published 2010-Aug-19, comment
Somethings just never get old
written by owen on 2010-Aug-16, Answer this question2
Gods Child answered: toxic it's so pop-y but different ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2010-Aug-14, comment
Long movie is long and full of explanation but it was good because that was its only downside. Rating 9 out of 10: Must watch. Not necessarily in the theater. No mature content. Lots of talking. May mess with your mind. You may want to watch it twice.
Gods Child commented: yeah I sent my boss to see it and she's come up with 2 alternate theories to what I've already come up with definitely keeps people talking at the water cooler good job all around ... read 2 more
written by owen, published 2010-Aug-11, comment
The adventures of a skinny white woman. That basically it. I remember the last time at my last job (before I became a spy) my manager requested that I join him in a meeting. Luckily I made a bomb out of some kersene oil I had stored in my desk draw, blew a whole through the wall and made a quick exit in the getaway car I had parked in the driveway specifically for emergencies such as that.
It turns out some months later I got word that the memo was sent to me by mistake. It is this sort of "over reacting" that plagues SALT to the core, especially in the first half of the movie. That and the physics defying, impossibly impossible stunts. The movie should be renamed to CRAZY SKINNY WHITE LADY JUMPS.
The story is good though predicatable while Angelina Jolee is some kinda "spy" slash escape artist that has had a little too much of the powder. I give it 7 out of 10. Very predictable, watch it on cable, skinny white lady doing impossible stunts, twist ending.
owen commented: if you like Angelina Jolee then you won't be disappointed with all the jumping [laugh] ... read 3 more
written by owen, published 2010-Aug-10, comment
I bought patties and soda at the JucciBeef on Constant Spring yesterday. I don't really know why I keep buying soda there because it always tastes like ass. Except the grape they always manage to get that one right. Its my fault really - I cannot resist the urge to buy patties at a unfamiliar restaurant and watch people through the fish tank. They seem to have a obsession with fish tanks in the JucciBeef restaurants, maybe they think it calms the customer or something. I am not very calm when my lips are being scolded on hot beef patty.
I have work to do, as always, like a politian. I never have enough money to complete a project before I get bored or get voted out of my seat in the house. No one knows where money goes these days. Money is like that stray cat that you always see in the back of your yard. It visits right around dinner time, eats and then runs off into the bushes.
I have to admit I lol-ed when I heard the news about the student loan bureau. I am not one to hold a grudge but one man shouldn't have all that power, where the bad bitchs at? where they hiding? I got the power to make your life so exciting.