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Food and Eats » Bourbon Chicken $880 JMD

written by owen, published 2010-Feb-21, comment

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It was ok, almost felt like I was getting drunk from it, was not enough on the plate to justify buying it a second time though. Apart from the rice and peas everything else is decoration. Cheaper to just buy a bottle of bourbon and do it yourself.

comment on this food 12

Tami commented: Where'd you get this, it looks tasty. ... read 11 more

Food and Eats » Satisfaction Only $550 JMD

written by owen, published 2010-Feb-18, comment

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1 Festival, 3 pieces of ripe plantain, chicken leg and thigh, Callaloo rice, veges, packet of sauce and Soda = $550 JMD. Sunglasses not included. Well at least I am satisfied, not sure about other people. What you think? Hmm...Food Section?

comment on this food 18

Gods Child commented: I could do with one less piece of chicken ... read 17 more

Technology » Little pig, little pig, let me in

written by Karl, published 2010-Feb-17, comment

Does anyone have a Google Notebook account? For most of you the answer is probably 'No'.
I've gotta say that of all the services Google offers, my most prized is Notebook for the simple fact that they're maintaining the service but are no longer taking new sign ups.

Everyone loves an exclusive club.


Verbal Diarrhea

written by SE, published: 2010-Feb-12, read 12343 times.

Gods Child commented: John Mayer is of no consequence. . . His saying stupidness doesn't make it so. Just makes him stupid. Really don't care. ... read 5 more

What's the one thing you've always wanted to say or tell someone, but couldn't find the courage to before?

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See now this is a

written by Tami on 2010-Feb-10, Answer this question4

marqthompson answered: i still love my x-gf ... read 3 more