Individuals have a tendency to say that males dont really like females who push themselves unto them. They most times think that they are easy and take them for a one night stand. The pay more attention to the females who ignore them. And that they put more effort into getting her. So males do you or do you not go after females that ignore you?
Stunner answered: I don't have time to waste! Any female that chooses to ignore me is a waste of my precious time and not worth the hassle. ... read 4 more
written by owen, published: 2008-Sep-26, read 4852 times.
Gods Child commented: You shouldn't have to tell people to avoid eating dog food
if they don't heed your warning, well, nothing could be done for them ... read 11 more
There is this man at school who has been trying endlessly to get with some of the students from last year;I just happen to be one of those students.I have ridiculed,ignored and even taken advantage of the fact that he wants to get with me.When I left the school I was so overjoyed. I bought myself lunch at Fridays and topped it off with a slice of Coconut cake at Devon House. But then due to circumstances beyond my control I have to return to the same school and guess what he will still be there.I stood in disaray as I watched my hopes falling to the floor like a glass;shattered to pieces.
A conversation developed between us where in which I was told that he is ignoring me because I broke his heart. I laughed so hard I nearly fell off the chair that I sat on. How can I break something that wasnt whole in the first place? His heart is in little bits and pieces and he cant put it back together because he cant find the missing pieces of the puzzle he calls a heart.
While trying to talk his way into the cold dark vacuum that now occupies the spot where my heart used to be a young lady walked in. Now,this young lady isnt more than 16 and he is 30 something. They start talking he whispers in her ears and stuff next thing I know she start writing down digits. So I was like watch him. Typical Male! As I could say that;while turning off the AC he hit up his genitals. All I could say is God does answer prayers.
owen commented: why you praying for bad things to happen to people? shouldn't you be forgiving those who trespass against you, turning cheeks, digging 2 graves etc etc? ... read 8 more
Memories forever cherished are the memories that were created while I was around you.They will go unaltered,unchanged,frozen in reality but constantly moving in my thoughts.If I had a picture frame I would frame it for the world to see. These memories have taught me to push every minute to the limit.To cherish and savour every second that I get to spend with someone dear to me.I spent a moment with you where,the world stopped spinning for a while.At that moment I had a whole new perception,a different view of you.I was captivated in your eyes.I saw me through you."beauty is in the eyes of the beholder."I became aware of my beauty in your eyes!
If I could do it all over again would I do it the same way?A question I often ask myself. Yes,I would try to correct the mistake that I made.In regards to the moments that we spent together,the verbal exchange we had on the phone I remain untouch, all I would do is pray,hope and work towards us having some more moments like the ones that we had.