Office Space » Working from beyond
written by Tami, published 2008-May-11, comment

I wonder if these are in the male bathrooms as well. Plus they got it wrong, It should be "If you sprinkle while you tinkle"
comment 5
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written by Tami, published 2008-May-11, comment
I wonder if these are in the male bathrooms as well. Plus they got it wrong, It should be "If you sprinkle while you tinkle"
comment 5
Gods Child commented: what exactly do meny do? Tami you should submit this to passive agressive notes ... read 4 more
Tami answered: awww, thats tweet. I took mine for ice cream and then to a play called "Secrets, shhhh". She had tons of fun, even the next day she would not shut up about how the play mix up. ... read 3 more
written by Gods Child, published 2008-May-09, comment
bringing your own bag to the supermarket means you won't carry home plastic bags. Now what will I do for litter box cleanup?
now its pepper commented: ew? wah kinda error dis? cho bombo "Is that all you can say; ew? ? you aren't much of a speaker are you?" ... read 5 more
Stunner commented: LOL!!!!! [hysterical] ... read 3 more
written by owen, published 2008-May-04, comment
I am often asked how I find time to update this website, what stars direct my faith. Its not really hard. A focused mind can find anything. There is so much bueaty in the world. All that it requires is a little time to write it down, separate the clutter. At the base of it all, every song is a love song. Its all a matter of perspective, how you look at it or listen to it.
As I'm eating my calalloo rice out of a Styrofoam cup takes a very long time to decompose in the environment and has been documented to cause starvation in birds and other marine wildlife. If I had the time, a whole lot a money or if luck was a lady; I would rent a whole floor of the pan caribbean building - don't ask me why. When you live by the day, pay by the hour, and sleep on the weekends, you tend to lay in the bed that you made, die by what you live by. Passion is a curse.
I spent all of last week thinking up new application concepts and watching wild ants eat babies on Discovery - not really - they were eating chickens. Babies taste like chicken? I ask cause I'm not sure. I learn fast, so you don't really have to go into the details. Photographic memory tends to be a curse when you remember odd little details about everything and yet absolute nothing about others. It does wear me down at times, like a caged animal.
owen commented: you know you gonna hurt you back. carrying all dem bags like that... ... read 6 more