Blog Jamaica » Every now and then...
written by owen, published 2008-Feb-07, comment

God sends rabid dogs to your house to quietly knock over your garbage can in the middle of the night. Or maybe its a rolling calf hmmm....
comment 8
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written by owen, published 2008-Feb-07, comment
God sends rabid dogs to your house to quietly knock over your garbage can in the middle of the night. Or maybe its a rolling calf hmmm....
comment 8
Mad Bull commented: Sometimes its feral cats too.... And the chickens will scatter the garbage all over as well. ... read 7 more
written by owen, published 2008-Feb-07, comment
I hate getting up early
Ann (Mobay DP) commented: Love this :) Whenever I see scenes like this I always think, "He's so tiny to be going to school and with usuch a big bag". ... read 5 more
written by owen, published 2008-Feb-07, comment
papine, jamaica
comment 1
written by owen, published 2008-Feb-06, comment
One way to think about the Internet is that there are two of them. There's the public one that we share with our co-workers, friends, and family. There's also a more furtive, creepy one where people exchange porn, shock photos, and other, darker droppings of human endeavor.... more here
Vaughn McCubbin commented: I was curious, but decided against watching the actual video based on what Wikipedia described it to be... That last guy's reaction was funny as hell, was gonna forward it to a few of my friends but knowing their curiosity, they might go the extra curious mile and gross themselves out... funny reactions though ... read more