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written by owen, published 2007-Sep-22, comment

new black keyboard
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Leon commented: The Windows key looks sort of "Vista-ish." Using Vista? ... read 3 more
Some people have very clear distinctions about what it means to be single, dating, broken up, taken, committed etc.
Here's the issue:
When two people decide they have broken up (whether or not all the issues have been worked out, extra toothbrushes thrown away etc.) and they may or may not be dating someone new--is it wrong for the two exes to get up close and personal even if nothing is going on with anyone else (yes I mean what you think I mean)?
written by GC on 2007-Sep-21, Answer this question8
Shonari answered: Sure why not? might as well ... read 7 more
I used to be an avid blogger with a somewhat active blog. I took it down. I made another, but took that down too.
Now I have another one up. Is it worth blogging anymore? Does anyone read this stuff anymore?
written by michael_halvorsen on 2007-Sep-19, Answer this question14
Shonari answered: i think that many people have lost the urge for a few reasons: 1. the blog world has become very saturated and your slice of cake is among millions of slices with each slice tasting a bit better, so you feel unwanted/unoriginal 2. many people are now using their blog to make money (adsense etc) and have totally diverted from the main purpose of a blog, to be a web log as a result the "blog" has deviated into more of a blogsite, totally remaking the phenomenon 3. so many people writing by the time you think it up someone writing about it already. i cud go on but ill leave sum for others ... read 13 more
written by owen, published 2007-Sep-18, comment
Paradise? Most people have no Idea what programmers are like, and why they do what they do and not just get a regular job like a fireman or get pregnant. Its because we can't and I'm not even going to try and explain it because it just gets me weird looks in the "fresh fruit" lane of the supermarket. Blindfold me because what you don't know can't really hurt you. There is a thousand yous but only one of me.
Enjoying? I once upon a time subscribed to the whole: "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" theory but I've been hearing that phrase quite a lot as of late. Its become sickening. That and "Enjoy you stay". Definately a change from the cliff I was jumping off before, now I'm just climbing up can't tell you how it looks yet. Alot more structured and pragmatic like, say a prison camp except they don't kill people - with guns - but with air conditioning, subsidized lunch and bonds.
Its not so bad so far, made it a couple lunchs, read through 2 policy manuals and am planning a prision break as soon as I find an exit through the maze of cubicles. To my surprise we can go casual on fridays - yay. I'll probably still wear the long sleave and tie because I'm getting quite comfortable in them right now, keeps my arms cool and people have stopped giving me "looks" and refering to me as "paster". I'm optimistic, play secretary and the boss tonight, I no longer feel like I am going to a wedding everyday. Harder, faster, stronger.
Gods Child commented: strawberries? What happened to the strawberries--in the fresh fruit aisle. ... read 10 more
which is better to be? I'm meeting a lot of so-called realists these days but I think pessimism is best. If you think the worst is going to happen, when it does, you are already prepared. If it doesn't, you get a pleasant surprise!
written by Gods Child on 2007-Sep-14, Answer this question14
Shonari answered: A realist is better its the optimist and the pessimist that put the world in the sorry state that its in. the optimist see the best in a person and turns a blind eye to all the bad they do the pessimist never see the good in anything and end up letting it pass them by the realist accept things for the way they are (good or bad) and deals with them accordingly ... read 13 more