The people project » Random 3
written by owen, published 2006-Aug-13, comment
Camera shy, said something about having a crazy boyfriend. so it go
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written by owen, published 2006-Aug-13, comment
Camera shy, said something about having a crazy boyfriend. so it go
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written by owen, published 2006-Aug-13, comment
I was sitting there waiting a long time. 2004_10_10
Stunner commented: I can see what kept you occupied and why you aren't cussing about the long wait!!! ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2006-Aug-13, comment
Before the toll road was build through portmore, people used to just drive up and take their rods out. 2004_09_21
comment 2
twovthree commented: Ewwwww... ... read 1 more