
Questions, page 51

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What did you get/give for christmas?

written by owen on 2011-Dec-28, Answer this question1

Gods Child answered: I gave: cold hard cash a balaclava books about personal finance a crocheted coaster a laptop fan (the kind that goes under the laptop, on your lap) I received: costume jewelry gloves that work with your touchscreen yarn crochet needle case gift cert. to starbucks ... read more

Is your smartphone rotting your brain?

I want to know before i get one

written by owen on 2011-Aug-23, Answer this question3

owen answered: maybe its a sixth sense [confused] ... read 2 more

What are some things that you dislike but everybody else seem to like?


written by owen on 2011-Jul-06, Answer this question5

Tami answered: I hate the fad around Blackberrys. If you don't have one you're seen as ancient. I've been trying it out to see if it fits my style however i feel targetted on the road with it, like i can't use my own phone in public for the fear of being held up and robbed. I heard that a few years ago a student from UWI got cut up by a man on a get-a-way bicycle for one. ... read 4 more

Why do you want to be rich?


written by owen on 2011-Apr-29, Answer this question6

Tami answered: So that i don't have to worry about my expenditure surpassing my income. ... read 5 more

What is a good game for two adults to play together?

written by owen on 2011-Feb-02, Answer this question5

Tami answered: LOL [happy] This is a funny question. ... read 4 more