
Toya's profile

#299, updated never, viewed 3422 times, view others.


On a good day Toya is

Boi o boi everyday its something else in Ja.


Travelling and charity work.

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Interview Questions

What do you think about all these earthquakes?

another enormeous sign of the dangerous effects of global warming.

Why are you still using facebook?

Because its awesome!!!!

Who are you hoping will win world cup 2010?

if i aint in the stands, it doesnt matter.

Has spying ever seemed a more glamorous profession?

Spying????.......Im observant so i call it observation (^_-)

What is your favourite Britney Spears song?

If a she sings "touch me baby 1 more time" -----a it that.

What would you say if you saw somebody driving around town with the girl you love?

Hey, who is that man that i've seen u out with a couple times mom?

And the Sign Says.. » Beware of pedophiles!

written by Toya, published 2013-Jun-12, comment

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Atl, GA

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owen commented: why submit a sideways picture? [annoyed] ... read more

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