And the Sign Says.. » Beware of pedophiles!
written by Toya, published 2013-Jun-12, comment

Atl, GA
comment 1
#299, updated never, viewed 3422 times, view others.
On a good day Toya is
Boi o boi everyday its something else in Ja.
Travelling and charity work.
This profile is empty.
another enormeous sign of the dangerous effects of global warming.
Because its awesome!!!!
if i aint in the stands, it doesnt matter.
Spying????.......Im observant so i call it observation (^_-)
If a she sings "touch me baby 1 more time" -----a it that.
Hey, who is that man that i've seen u out with a couple times mom?
written by Toya, published 2013-Jun-12, comment
Atl, GA
comment 1
owen commented: why submit a sideways picture? [annoyed] ... read more
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