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Blog Jamaica » Sugarmans Beach, St Catherine, July 2020

written by owen, published 2020-Jul-09, comment

Went to the beach over the weekend. Havent been there in over 3 months. Since beaches are closed, no events being kept, there is no reason to keep it clean so the Sargassum takes over everything. There were plans to turn this vegetation into some kind of fertilizer but physics is always a problem in this new digital economy. Some pictures I took in 2015.

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Logbook » Ticket Back To Georgia

written by owen, published 2020-Jun-17, comment

It is a natural for humans to be consumed by their environment. Whether willingly or by the share abundance of external stimuli. We will wallow in our own shit for days on end like a comfortable blanket we had as a child. If all you have a hammer then everything seems like a nail. I need to stay off social media for a bit because it is clearly wasting my time.

It has been an interest past couple of months. I have not had a hair cut since February and I am trying to see how far I can grow it before I am forced to get a hair cut. I have tried to grow it before but now I have a valid excuse which I can use to live my big hair, afro, 70s, disco lifestyle. Only downside is that I have to wash my hair every other day.

I live in a state of constant imperfection. The closer I get the more I know that I cannot reach where I want to go. It is fun to try. Why do anything at all if not to aim for perfection? Be all you can be? Extraordinary machine?

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What are you looking for?

the time is now.

written by owen on 2020-Jun-10, Answer this question

ComputerHuman answered: A vevo channel maker ... read more

Logbook » The Snakepit

written by owen, published 2020-Jun-05, comment

If the things I do not have could save me from my current maintenance headaches then I would live forever searching for these things - that I do not have. But alas somethings you cannot escape. As the old people used to say "they are apart of life" like how trees are apart of the leaves. Do not focus too much on your current struggles. Everything is phase. Everything moves from one thing to the next. I try to enjoy the present with a view that one needs to be resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering for at any moment or time a little detail could and will can change ever so slightly.

I really should be enjoying this early summer slash working from home. But remote work is trash. Remote work is like pooping where you eat or eating your own dog food. I already have a "at home" work routine. And on the other hand a "at work" work routine. THESE HANDS DO NOT CLAP! Mixing these 2 leads to severe unproductivity. I have lost track of the days. I like that there is no traffic on the roads but I hate that everywhere you go you need to line up for hours. All those people who prayed Jamaica was a orderly place must be in heaven now - but this cant last - it shant.

Somethings you will only understand when there is no one left to ask the question. The fresh air of nothingness frees the mind. When no more connections can be formed in the circuits of your mind you will know in certain finality that this is what it all meant. It is hard to explain like physics. You know the thing is in front of you because you can see it but is it really there? And as you turn your pretty little face away will it be there tomorrow? Why does it have to be like this? I can never tell. But this is the way it has to be.

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The random photo journal » 2019 Camera Roll

written by owen, published 2020-May-30, comment

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