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Logbook » The less you know the better

written by owen, published 2020-Feb-27, comment

At this point in my life being neither famous nor rich I can still enjoy the ability to sit in an open plaza or pricemart and not be recognised. It is a wondrous feeling to just exist. A feeling that is hard to explain. As I sit and watch other people go about their lives I ponder what kind of curtains they have in their home. Or the appointment they might have later in the afternoon. I need to remember to buy an icebox.

Being in the moment is not a simple act of letting things go. It takes years of preparation and calculation. It is impossible to simply exist in a dynamic environment. Existence requires occupying some amount of space and time. Which causes conflict between fickle humans. No 2 things cannot occupy the same space at the same time so there is a constant need to shift things around. All this movement requires energy. Anno everybody ago like you.

Eventually I have to get back in to the flow of time. Nothing escapes the flow of time. All I can do is put energy towards planning my next move and calculating the moves of everyone else including the planets and the sun. There is alotta stuff out there. Alotta stuff to avoid.

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Zen commented: Good reflection. That's right. You might try some Zen. ... read more

What if you are creating the disaster within yourself?

written by owen on 2020-Feb-25, Answer this question4

Tami answered: Is this a statement or a question? I don't understand what you are trying to say or ask here. Please elaborate. ... read 3 more

The Jamaica photo project » Mona Reservoir, Kingston Jamaica

written by owen, published 2020-Feb-19, comment

Not sure how low it is right now.

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Blue Mountains

Blue Mountains

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Music » Feb 2020 - new old music

written by owen, published 2020-Feb-17, comment

I think I come across like 1 CD every 2 months nowadays but through the power of Amazon I can pretty much buy any CD online and have it in a week. This is both a good and a bad thing.

I got 2 more Florence and the Machine CDs; "Ceremonials" (2011) featuring "Shake it out". They say it is never as good as the first time but "High as Hope"(2018) had a couple good tracks biggest problem is that it only had a total of 10 tracks which should have been a sign for me not to buy it. I do not think I could resist Big God though so I dug in and bought it - never before have I had so many albums from a single artist(4). I guess I was looking for that first taste again but instead only got bits and bites.

Sade's "Stronger than Pride" (1988) was a bit of a let down. Only track 7 "Clean Heart" was the most notable discovery from an album released in 1988 - the other good 3 tracks I had already heard from having the "Best of Sade"(1994). It had a very 80s club vibe. Another 10 track album - I should have known. "Lovers rock"(2000) blew all of that out of the water when you step back and look at it as a single album (11 tracks).

The last album entitled Love It by Kana Nishino. I got as a gift from Tami. Yes give me CDs as gifts. A very pop album. The most notable track is MEOW and most of it is not in english. I enjoyed the packaging very colourful with inserts for something that I could not figure out and a sticker.



 Love It by Kana Nishino

Love It by Kana Nishino

High as Hope by FATM

High as Hope by FATM

comment 5

Tami commented: Lovers Rock by Sade is one of those albums that takes you back to a smell, a feeling, a time of youth. My favourite song from the album is 'Every word'. It's still on my playlist to this very day. As for Love it by Kana, they had earphones in the music store and I listened to a couple of tracks from the album and bought it. It was the best of the lot they had to offer. I can't say that I am a fan of music from another language, simply because the words mean so much to how I react to a song. ... read 4 more

Web search your way to success (programming)

written by owen, published: 2020-Feb-11, read 2462 times.