The Jamaica photo project » University Chapel, UWI Kingston
written by Anonymous, published 2017-Oct-15, comment
Not the oldest and I guess it is a "chapel" and not really a church. They covered the stain glass window which made me sad.
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written by Anonymous, published 2017-Oct-15, comment
Not the oldest and I guess it is a "chapel" and not really a church. They covered the stain glass window which made me sad.
written by owen, published 2017-Oct-13, comment
If it was up to me I would rather to go straight chicken or straight fish, skip the soup/pot water and go right to the main course because you would have less chance of not getting what you want.
If you drop the soup you could bump me up for twice the cake. heh, formalities.
written by owen, published: 2017-Oct-11, read 2258 times.
written by owen, published: 2017-Sep-29, read 2844 times.
ytvang commented: [!] what a september-surprise this release was to me. I love what this newo series means for the wonderful white box. ty [!] ... read 1 more
written by owen, published: 2017-Sep-12, read 2785 times.