
On the menu, page 1

Pictures of menus. Prices are obviously subject to change because of inflation and such. post a menu

On The Menu: Mothers

written by owen, published 2011-Jan-10, comment

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Its like they confused

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owen commented: I don't know why, maybe they had to fill the space or something ... read 1 more

Some things just shouldnt be

written by owen, published 2010-Sep-27, comment

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Island Grill introduces salt-fish festivals

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Portland Jerk Fest 2010

written by owen, published 2010-Aug-19, comment

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It was a wet day and I got bad chicken :(

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On The Menu: IslandGrill

written by owen, published 2010-Mar-01, comment

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Eat Good meals

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Gods Child commented: sweet and sour fish? it any good? ... read 1 more

This week's special

written by owen, published 2009-Jun-04, comment

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Taken 1/22/2009 in Cross Roads, not sure if its still valid

comment on this 7

Tami commented: Or it's Dog Beef dem use to make it that day why it's usually slow. ... read 6 more