So the 18th is national hero's day here in jamaica. Yes Jamaica has national heros and I would tell you about them but I am not going to. Anyway we celebrate our heros on this day every year and make the school children write essays on their favourite hero. We wouldn't want our youngsters to forget our heros now would we? Yes primary school was a very annoying phase but somebody's got to do it. I am not going anywhere for this holiday. My head is filled with calculus and I haven't even started reading the book yet. I plan to study for the rest of the day. Must not fail. Bush and kerry are identical twins one is is slightly crazier than the other. they need more deligates. P. Diddy should run for president.
I've been busy most of last weekend. Trying to hopelessly catch up with my calculus II class. For my Public Speaking class we had an assignment to speak on a topic which was both very interesting to my classmates and that I knew about. I couldn't think of anything, and by the end of the class people spoke on topics such as cloning, crime (3), education (2), self pleasuring, life and existence, dancehall music and activists, HIV, and faith. Luckily I had a website with a few articles, and with a bit of quick thinking I chose to speak on "network television and ending credits". I waved my hand around, wrote on the white board a bit for illustration, asked a few questions and survived another class. Next calculus 2.
Stu commented: Did you know that credits at the beginning of a U.S. made movies appear there because of a union called the Screen Actors Guild? ... read 7 more
On an odd sunday morning you will wake up drunk. Not drunk in the sense that you just had 2 beers at a party five minutes ago. But drunk with ideas. Ideas which are so profound you would tell you mother about it. Lets say for instance you think up an idea for a cool new movie, it's going to make you millions just on the concept alone. Making titanic look like a boat that sank in the ocean after it was hit by an iceberg. Or like a song by ABBA. So here is the idea I have been thinking about since like 5 minutes ago. It's a movie, very epic in nature with an amount of music so complex you would need a live orchestra to play it. The main character is be called troy, mike or luke, or maybe alexandor and I will give the same name to the movie as well so it will be easy to remember. He or she will comand a great army that will be used to gain the affection of a love interest that just cannot begotten by any other means but bloody war, death and pain. There will be tons of computer graphics and fake blood. And for you youngsters out there I am sorry this will not be animated comedy about fish underwater talking and singing, it will be R rated. Not that I'm being mean but there is only so far you can go in PG and I was young once, been there didn't like it. Now, back to the movie. It will have enormous, with seemingly impossible battle scenes involving so many people you would wet your pants just by thinking about it. The main character will make speaches so profound it will make you invade Iraq all by yourself with nothing but a rocket propelled grenade and a hair cut. It will be shot somewhere in Scotland or Russia, the colder the better with wonderfully clean mountain ranges, valleys and dense forests. Everybody knows that the story makes the movie so I'm not going to tell anybody and there will not be any famous actors in it either because the movie will be THAT GOOD and everybody will see it because I said so.
Life proves time and time again that despite how confused you think you are, there are people out there who are even less confused than you are. These people actually know what they are talking about and you shouldn't listen to them because most likely they are trying to steal your money. Soon you'll discover that nobody is really smarter than anybody else. It's all a matter what you spend you time doing, and whatever that is will eventually make you better at it than other people. Play to win. One of the many things I've discovered as people get older, you start to accept life as it is, rather than thinking of it as a great big adventure. Which sucks really but I won't hold it against you - it's un avoidable. I have a few ideas for the website, in the back of my head somewhere I just hope they can materialize before my hair grows back. Because I my bad boy thug image cannot co-exist with the web site. So I have started school again. Evening classes with alot of old people and married women in the business courses but I do a computer course and so. I considered full time school but on the money to sleep ratio - money won out and when your not a rap artist it's ridiculously hard to buy anything when you have no money.
michael_halvorsen commented: i respectfully disagree with you. there are stupid people. i've seen them, i've been friends with them, i've worked with them, i know many.
how ever you look at it, its all relative. everything is relative. the smart ones are those who realize there are smarter people than themselves. until you realize that, you're stupid. ... read 8 more
Last week was the longest week ever. Coupled with the hurricane, lost of water, electricity and basic public services - one week seemed like an eternity. I still can not believe that just last week I was eating corn flakes for sunday dinner. Worst week ever maybe for some people but I am the rain man. It rained yesterday, again and we have been having short power outages. I thought it would never rain again, after the three days of constant rain from the hurricane. The people who lost there roofs must be so pissed right now. You tend to gain a certain dependence on the basic necessities such as water, and electricity and cable, when you live in an urban area. By 6 o'clock it is dark and there nothing to but sleep and does anybody sleep for 12 hours anymore? I mean really, unless your like 5 years old. I have stuff to do and my weekends get messed up continuously. If it is not by a hurricane, it's something else more demanding than the week before. I have got to get a drivers license, a car, car loan, car insurance, a girlfriend with driver side airbags and a bottle of milk that has not yet expired. Life is a constant stream of things to do. Chaos sucks. todd in Grenada is back online but still feeling the effects of hurricane Ivan.
Stu commented: Ah, Sunday dinner, now that brings back memories. I remember when I was a kid growing up in JA, Sunday dinner was always special.
Now that I live in the States and have my own family, unfortunately, Sunday dinner is not different than any other day of the week.
We do try to sit down as a family for most dinners, but our kids are still a little too young to want to have a meaning conversation with us. They'd rather watch Sponge Bob! ... read 5 more