
BodyShots, page 1

random photos of tattoos, feet and stuff submit a bodyshot

Feet in sand

written by owen, published 2009-Sep-22, comment

On a beach in negril, 2008 03 23. Its funny how i took that picture so long ago and now I have a semi-sensible place to post it. The jury is still out on it though.

comment 8

Gods Child commented: well, they are neatly trimmed so . . . ... read 7 more

Feet on Beach

written by Jamila, published 2009-Sep-15, comment

Where sand, sea and feet meet on the island of Barbados.

comment 8

Stunner commented: Nicely composed photo! I going drop one in this section soon. ... read 7 more

Soft sand

written by Tami, published 2009-Aug-15, comment

Dunns River Falls - Beach

comment 5

mad bull commented: [smile] Tami just wants to show off her feet, eenuh! ... read 4 more

Tatt 01

written by owen, published 2008-Oct-26, comment

is the word

comment 4

mad bull commented: I like it. I will have to get to work now... ... read 3 more


written by Karl, published 2008-Sep-11, comment

I don't have a tattoo, so this is the best I could do.
