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20 cheap cars instead of an expensive one?

RedStrip Beer is having some sort of island wide competition involving the collection of bottle caps. The grand prize is a brand new H2 Hummer - appealling to the "all fi dem self" nature in most of us. Wouldn't it be better to have the prizes be 20 cheap cars instead of just one expensive one?

written by owen on 2005-Oct-16, Answer this question37

michael_halvorsen answered: what determines a winner? ... read 36 more

why some movies show only one time?

i saw movies 'nothing lasts forever' (1995) and can't find the movies again, i can't find it on tv ,on dvd or anywhere if you can help me ,please. Want to see this movies.

written by rimma on 2005-Oct-08, Answer this question8

owen answered: maybe you are the only person in the entire world that likes that movie. ... read 7 more

Who would win in a fight: ninjas or pirates?

Most ninjas are mammals that fight all the time. A pirate is a person who lives at sea and wears arrrrrrgyle socks. help

written by owen on 2005-Oct-06, Answer this question37

nastro answered: depends on the combat zone ... read 36 more

10 ways to live longer?

Suggest ways/things which would help a person live longer.

written by owen on 2005-Sep-14, Answer this question11

michael_halvorsen answered: drinkstrong and lovelong. do those and you'll be happy. ... read 10 more

Where did the following quote about spirituality come from?

I need to identify the original source of this oft used quote about spirituality in my area of work. "Spirituality is that dimension in the person which seeks to be in harmony with the universe, strives for answers about the infinite and often comes into focus when the person faces emotional stress, physical illness or death. It reaches beyond the boundaries of religious affiliation.”

Please help me!

written by Paul on 2005-Sep-10, Answer this question1

mad bull answered: Thats easy, Paul. That quote emanated from me! I am <b>THE</b> Font of Wisdom ... read more