
Ayo's profile , page 2

#309, updated 2015-Mar-17, viewed 10119 times, view others.

And the Sign Says.. » Consider yourself warned!

written by Ayo, published 2013-Jun-12, comment

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comment 3

owen commented: isn't it a sign of good luck or something? :p ... read 2 more

The random photo journal » The (un)happy cow

written by Ayo, published 2013-Apr-20, comment

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I really don't know what to put here but this is as random as I can get :)

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owen commented: that there is an awesome cup. ... read 3 more

The random photo journal » Feeling Hot Hot Hot

written by Ayo, published 2013-Apr-20, comment

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In Charleston, SC at the City Market and couldn't help but notice the names of these hot sauces :) The south-side has a sense of humo(u)r!

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owen commented: Self torture is not fun for me at all. I will stick with tomato ketchup [laugh] ... read 2 more

Ayo's profile comments

  1. I can't remember the last time some one actually created a profile. The internet has changed so much! DAM YOU FACEBOOK! DAM YOU TO HELL!

    by owen 2012-Sep-23 

  2. DWL! Well it seemed like a good idea! I like it here! - When the site lets me in! :)
    Lets make Owensoft the NEW facebook .. it's going down anyway so it won't be a hostile take over :D

    by Ayo 2012-Sep-23 

  3. Ha, you can dream but facebook is too big to fail.

    by owen 2012-Sep-23 

  4. Well I am a dreamer lol You have a point there but I really don't think it's as well used as once before.

    by Ayo 2012-Sep-23 

  5. I have a small question for you

    by 2021-Jul-01 

Ayo's profile comment