
Apocalypse's profile

#296, updated 2010-Apr-14, viewed 4088 times, view others.


On a good day Apocalypse is single, male child, Student, hangs around a place called "jamaica".

Feeling blank


Perfection. Nuff said


Football, physics related things

Interview Questions

Washing machines, what are they good for?

Makes life easier

How would you let down a person who wants to date you, but you just aren't interested?

Ignore her. That has worked well so far

What animal or insect would you be?

Bird. Don't we all want to fly?

How long would you stay at your job if you could be guaranteed the salary you want plus the benefits you need but would have to do very boring and repetitive work?

Less than a year

Where is the strangest place that someone has ever tried to flirt with you?

In front of my school's staff room with some teachers standing right beside us. I even felt her up :)

Why do you delete certain people from facebook?

Cause they constantly tag me in crap, send stupid requests, etc

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