
marangand's profile

#252, updated 2007-Jun-22, viewed 2588 times, view others.


On a good day marangand is married, female child, Manager, 58 years young, hangs around a place called "jamaica".

I have a cool website at Be sure to check it out.

Thank God its friday!!!!!!


Reading...anything, Hiking...anywhere, Solving Puzzles

Interview Questions

Pool, what is it good for?

People play (mostly men) because they like sinking balls [mocking]

If you saw ME in a police car what would you think I got arrested for?

Woman watching and groping

Should I allow my cousin to bring an unnamed, undescribed guest to my wedding?

The answer in one word....No!!!

What would you do in a hypothetical situation?

not a damn thing...........

What would you do if you found out your child is GAY?

Bwoy, MB see what you start!!! As much as i always call Bobby gayphobic i have to agree with his stance here, not as it relates to the question, but more the discussion b/n him and GRR....MAn i was just checking out Owens facebbok page and surfed on over to see the answers to this question.....I havent been on blogs in how long!!!
And re the question i am with SE.....I wudda love them (daughter or son) same way!!!!wud have to hide the son from the father though!!!!

Who would you be with / want to be with if you weren't with the person you are with now, and why?


So bobby....u cant leave we high and dry so???????m [mocking]

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