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Whats going on today?

in your neck of the woods.

written by owen on 2006-May-26, Answer this question7

Charles answered: At home chillin....surfing and listening to some 80's soft rock. Will be hittin the road later to hook up with some friends. ... read 6 more

Logbook » Kiss from a Rose

written by owen, published 2006-May-21, comment

There comes a point when you find the perfect car. A car so perfect you want to conceive babies with it. I had that experience last week. The stuff they talk about in silly american movies/books about love and pre-marital sex over looking a valley, late at night. She smiled at me on the subway. She was bueatiful, shiny, clean like aluminum foil before you touch it - silver. They must have just washed it. It had 93000 miles/km like a cup you find in the sink at a hospital - used but not more than usual. Only a 2 knobs were missing but nobody is perfect especially if you met her at church on a special sunday. Not just any special sunday, a special sunday when it rains. Rain is good.

In the end our Love was not meant to be. No, I know what you thinking, but she totally wanted Afternoon Delight. It just that her owner's resident pimp sold her to the first drug dealer that came with the cash, after I had repeatedly stated that my car loan would come through in less than 2 weeks. My heart was broken as the words came forth from the veil monkey's mouth. "BUSINESS IS BUSINESS" he said as he ripped my vital organs from my chest and laughed - like a monkey. A rabid monkey. A monkey so rabid that I can't even find a word to describe the extent of rabidity which he was established. I should not have gotten my hopes up. I should have suspected that the world would not care about a love which had quickly grown between us.

If another person says something similar or even sounds like "that car was not meant for you". I will personally choose to hate you with the fire of a thousand suns. People only say that to make you feel better about something while laughing at your misfortune and eating all of your french fries. French fries that you had tenaciously hidden from them. I guess it would not have hurt so much, so deeply if I had not seen her, touched her wonderful plastic and sheet metal exterior sheet metal, rims and mid spoiler. 1300 cc. They said it was a bitch car but it would have been my bitch car. MY BITCH CAR! :(

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Gods Child commented: wow Owen. You are really unlucky. Try not to fall in love so quickly. Then you won't get hurt. ... read 9 more

What does Ridin Dirty mean?

As in "they trying to catch me riding dirty".

written by owen on 2006-May-20, Answer this question67

SUNSON answered: Drivin round in a stolen vehicle. Or holdin somethin illegal while drivin a stolen vehicle. Or just ridin round not takin a shower before you go ride ina car. ... read 66 more

Movies » UltraViolet sucks

written by owen, published 2006-May-17, comment

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When I reviewed the trailer for Ultraviolet I thought that this was going to be the movie of the year. Really, I can't believe that it was possible to make a movie that sucks worst than Aeon Flux. But Ultra-Violet managed to do it in fine style. I blame it on poor character development. The movie started out quickly, so quickly I couldn't even tell if it had started or I was still the upcoming movies. At some point down into the movie your will learn that Milla is unnecessarily a vampire - a fact which adds this movie to my list of stupid vampire movies. The fact that she is a vampire is so insignificant that she might as well be a Jamaican. Poor character development. She kills a lot of silly people for silly reasons, nicely. I give it a 3 out of 10. The trailer for the movie is actually better than the movie itself.

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Gods Child commented: whoa, thanks for the heads up. I was thinking it would be good cause you hyped it at first. now I know I can try Aeon Flux instead. ... read 3 more

Why does everything have to be about money?

Really, its ridiculous. I can't get to buy it because the bank can't get me the loan fast enough. And the people will sell to any body with the cash in hand.

written by owen on 2006-May-17, Answer this question4

Gods Child answered: really, it's about desire. ... read 3 more