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Logbook » Paradise City

written by owen, published 2006-Apr-30, comment

I often wonder how people work in supermarkets. The small, great smelling marts are OK. But on another level you have those gigantic all-you-can-ever want warehouse super-supermarkets. Sometimes I wonder how they don't find people dead in the aisles in the back. Or gang wars going on in the stationary products aisle. It is often hard to decide whether you want one book with 3 subjects or 5 books with 1 subject. I suppose it must be difficult to work in an environment that is centered around selling food, women's underwear and household appliances. Especially the with all the fresh meat coming in on a daily basis.

What do they really do with the milk after it passes the expiration date. Put it back in the cow? I went down to the agricultural produce section, the place where they imprison the carrots. Neatly, packed, in plastic wrap. I strain my eyes to read the label and it was apparent that these carrots where in fact packaged somewhere in GA. It was inconspicuously hidden which forced me to start touching and rotating the package. Like a health conscious single mother. I park my shopping-kart in the soft drink aisle, I feel uncomfortable pushing around anything with a baby seat for twins. It would not be so bad if I had a wife to guard it from the Yakuza. So I watch it from a safe distance while I check out the meat.

I always buy Jamaican. There are however situations such as when it comes to Kellogg's frosted flakes, Puerto Rican, Chinese and white. I like the variety though and the feeling I get when I walk through the sensors at the entrance - I think they are reading my thoughts or maybe telling me to buy carrots. Carrots from GA. Luckily I write stuff down. I avoid eye contact as I leave because the ladies giving out free samples have my ticket to ride.

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Gods Child commented: I don't get it--there are three different varieties of frosted flakes? ... read 3 more

What's the closest you've ever come to dying?


written by Kaschief on 2006-Apr-28, Answer this question9

Charles answered: Well, when I was a small child an operation was being performed to remove my tonsils and I had an out of body experience. I totally floated out of my body... I was able to see the doctor performing the operation from above his head. After the operation I was able to give an exact description of the instruments used during the operation...the doctor was in Shock and Awe!! ... read 8 more

Movies » Stupid Vampire Movies

written by owen, published 2006-Apr-27, comment

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Image attributed to aletheuo. So anyway I watched Blade 3: Trinity, well all I can say is that it was not bad. However stupid but it still did not have the same effect on the whole "vampire movie" genre as the first blade movie. Remember the underground rave scene from blade 1? priceless. Its all about the blood, there is no need to be chasing anybody down any street or jumping from building to building unless your spiderman. The thing I hate most of all about the movie is that they did the same thing that Underworld 2 did in its last installment. Both movies and a couple others ( that I can't remember) managed to do the absolute worst thing you can do in a vampire movie. I mean if your making a vampire movie you know right off the bat that vampires hang out at night, they feed off blood and are descendant from the first vampire Dracula or whatever.

Vampires hang out at night - its a key plot piece. Now the important thing in a vampire movie - a golden rule - is that you never, under no circumstances kill the first vampire. Because if you kill the first vampire then all the other vampires would become normal mortal people - and that would virtuality end all vampire movies as we know it. So my question is why the hell do these recent vampires movies feel the need to mess up the story of all other vampire movie? I mean do you have to kill the first vampire? Why not try to write a good story for once?

I would suggest that you try to avoiding killing the first vampire at all costs. Its been done, look at great movies such as American Werewolf in England or even Blade 1 - both good movies that didn't involve the total death of the vampire/werewolf race. If you want to seem original and unique - get an original story. I know your trying to make a "epic" movie but you've got to understand that when your movie is based on a pretty established piece of literature you shouldn't try to mess it up for all the other people. Its similar to making a Romeo and Juliet movie where the young love birds decide not to take the poison and instead get married - thats just not acceptable. Blade 3 gets a 6 out of 10.

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Gods Child commented: I didn't know about those vampire rules but I enjoyed all 3 blade movies--I guess I really liked the story line. In blade 3, though, I didn't really like how this whole team appeared from out of nowhere with a whole set-up and weapons and everything. It was too convenient. ... read 4 more

Which Celebrity do u fantasize about sleeping with?

Cause i have a few, so who`s on ur mind???

written by Bigz on 2006-Apr-22, Answer this question17

Kaschief answered: Apart from those I've already slept with, I wouldn't mind sleeping with Denise Richards, Mariah Carey and Tyra Banks. ... read 16 more

What does the internet need?

something that would make it better

written by owen on 2006-Apr-19, Answer this question8

Kaschief answered: It would be unethical to say "more porn". So, I will take the moral highroad and say "less porn". ... read 7 more