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Logbook » Maneater

written by owen, published 2006-Apr-16, comment

I have not been to the bank in weeks. Not since the day I tried to close out my fixed deposit account. The receptionist asked me why - I said bad customer service - it was the first thing that came to mind. She told me I had to wait until the account matures at end of the month - some memo she had gotten recently from the people "behind the tinted glass". I bet the memo was sent yesterday. I was not in the mood to argue and I left my weapon of choice at home. She then proceded to notify me that there is a hundred thousand dollar limit on withdrawals. She even had the nerve to suggest that if I really wanted the money now I could take out a loan at 11% - A FREAKING LOAN FOR MY OWN MONEY!!

She was unmarried. I should have flirted with her but I was not there for that. I was concentrating on something else. I get like that from time to time - well very often - focused like a robot. I had no choice I just left. When I was twelve I went to new york and I fell in love with this girl I met in church that summer. The kind of love that you only dream about when your 12 and before you were influenced by the likes of america cable television and girls gone wild. She had hair extensions. I have always wondered if I thought she was cute because of the extensions and if so am I really that shallow. Would I have hated her otherwise? Now I just avoid women with hair extensions, monkeys and STDs.

Sometimes the world is all flat and you realized that you have done nothing all weekend. I have a test or two this week and I have only made it through three or four pages of five or six weeks of school. In the last seven or eight days of study I have done nothing at all but sleep and eat cornbread. Oh sweet cornbread. I used to grow corn when I lived in the country. Its quite easy to grow, not as fickle as other produce and is pretty much hurricane resistant.

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charles commented: A loan at 11% to take out your own money! What the phuck? Some of these banks have a nerve. ... read 15 more

Why wish if you dont wish for what you really want?

I mean really, whats the point.

written by owen on 2006-Apr-13, Answer this question1

jane22 answered: I don't know but I think it's because we are like deep down really afraid to have what we want so we just wish for what ever. ... read more

Do you have commitment issues?

As in the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action. Why?

written by owen on 2006-Apr-12, Answer this question3

Gods Child answered: I’m not so good at staying the course with work, study, men, hobbies i.e. playing the guitar—any instrument at all. When it starts to get hard, I quit. Yeah, I’m a quitter. In everything. I want to quit my job. I just like a fresh start—I like when things are shiny and new. I guess that’s why it hurt so much when this guy I was seeing dumped me about a month ago. I was all set to stick to it, and be in it for the long haul even though he was going through a rough patch. It hurt so bad not so much because of who he was (even though he was a nice guy) but because I was thwarted in my efforts to be committed. Rats! Foiled again! ... read 2 more

Are the birds dying?

I'm just wondering. Especially since someone brought it up.

written by owen on 2006-Apr-10, Answer this question3

Gracie answered: Well bird flu has just arrived here in the UK so maybe a few more than usual! ... read 2 more

Logbook » Swallowed In The Sea

written by owen, published 2006-Apr-10, comment

2 weeks ago my father died. I have never been to a funeral before. He was recovering from a stroke he had the week before. When all is said and done the funeral was over and it rained. We sang some songs, read passages from the bible and the pastor preached his sermon. The finality of the whole ordeal was quite saddening. My nephew cried and I mostly just watched the rain. I hang around in Mandeville for a while and met some cousins. As the eulogy was read I wondered how life could be compressed into a few minutes of text. I don't know how to feel. Your only alive for so long, so make as many friends as possible. I have always been a bit emotionally distant. Now I'm just hanging around but I'm OK.

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Brea commented: Sorry for your loss. ... read 8 more