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Logbook » This Years Love

written by owen, published 2006-Jan-23, comment

What have I being doing since the year started? Work. Nothing much really. I am taking it easy on the programming, this year. I have been mostly chatting to people on the phone, the bus and on msn. Getting to know some new, old and interesting people, women and friends. Especially after I read/heard somewhere that 90% of people murdered are murdered by people they know. So hopefully maybe Miss Williams will kill me that is if I don't kill her first. Especially with how the murder rate going in this country at the moment - you never know when the next love triangle will spring up and you happen to be in it. Everybody wakes up early in the morning so I would probably get killed in my sleep.

I have been getting to know my friends much more and I probably have not reached to you yet so don't bug me about it. I probably will go to ATI this year for the first i.e. if I manage to survive my friends and car loan payments. There are some really messed-up friends with issues other there, I really would not have imagined. How selfish a bitch can one girl be? I probably get killed for that one but she will not read the second paragraph of anything. I got nothing but love for you all - really. Since I am a good listener I might become a therapist - especially with the extra brain space I have from not programming.

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Mad Bull commented: It really [b]IS[/b] all about getting to know people, bonding with them and then killing them. Good that you've realised it, Owen. ... read 12 more

What Car Do You Drive/Own?

I'm pretty much still thinking of buying a old 99 hb honda civc. Really. I've been searching so long I don't car anymore. Whatever needs to be fixed hopefully will be fixable.

written by owen on 2006-Jan-22, Answer this question9

Hayo answered: I drive a cool red Ford Fiesta 1.8 diesel. It's tractor-like engine makes it a very easy ride in traffic jams. It absorbes a lot of punishment, and is very forgiving. Dispite its looks, i love it. ... read 8 more

How often do you see your significant other?

daily? couple times a week? what?

written by owen on 2006-Jan-20, Answer this question7

alice answered: Daily ... read 6 more

The Jamaica photo project » Church

written by owen, published 2006-Jan-17, comment

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St. John’s Anglican
Erected in approximately 1774, St. Elizabeth Parish Church, on High Street, is a mixture of both classical and gothic architectural styles. text stolen from visitjamaica

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mc commented: this look like a place going into st ann ... read 2 more

Drive By » Blue

written by owen, published 2006-Jan-17, comment

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Half-way-tree. By the fire station - traffic blocking.

comment 6

Stunner commented: Taffic blocking fi real! It seems dem girl yah now a days look hotta dan before! ... read 5 more