I was watching the weather last night. checking out the weather forcaster who was wearing a black and yellow suit/thing. She looked like she was pregnant but in that hot-mother-of-your-children early pregnancy stage. The only thing I care about in the weather are huricanes but tonight the remote had died and I just sat there watching local television. I also noticed something odd. At the very point when the show ends she begins to smile. A very big smile like the one you get from the good looking air hostess on an Air Jamaica flight - right before breakfast. The kinda smile that makes you smile on the inside so hard that it flows through you like an illegal amphetamine-based synthetic drug with euphoric and hallucinatory effects or a track on the new madonna album. Then when we both realise (me and the weather forcaster) that the "cut to commercials" is taking too long and she could not hold the smile any longer. She broke her smile. It left me with a sad feeling in side.
Earlier that day I was sitting reading last last week's sunday gleaner, becuase of a flux in the space time continuum, I missed out on reading it LAST WEEK. I don't know why I buy the newspaper anyway because it really makes your fingers black with ink which transfers to everything you touch. I usually feel like I am missing out on local events, murders and competitions, so I make sure to buy it from the paper guy when he visits early on a sunday morning. Usually riding around a bicycle with really old clothes on. Hes a cool old guy. Its kinda like a subscription service without the subscription. This week I am buying the Jamaica Observer because I hate when everybody is reading the same stuff I am reading. Plus I like to live ON THE EDGE.
Usually in the auto section is a picture of car I can't buy and a full review. I scan through the auto-classifieds. Then I check out the Socials Section to see what the overly rich are doing in their non-blood-sucking time. The "careers" section has a "job-hunting while pregnant article" with a picture of a very white, very pregnant belly. The middle section has a magazine called "Outlook". The title picture is of a guy who's first name is Sunday. Further in is a article on a jamaican harp maker. There is also an entire section on the ADA motor show 2005 which I missed because I was too busy to read the paper LAST WEEK.
stunner commented: I hate when it blacks up my finger too. I like to read the outlookand the Business section...dont know why I reas the business section, aint helping be to be financially better off. I hardly buy the Sunday Gleaner..as I'm not moving at this time. ... read 8 more
written by owen, published: 2005-Nov-19, read 4883 times.
alex13 commented: well i suppose if the list is huge, u still have the option of caching the tree, well depends on how often you need to use it and how often the data changes. i dont know if u consider caching a bad thing. ... read 4 more
The chat is now v3. Then arie spammed with another meme at me.
Summarise myself in one word
OWEN In my reality I'm the only person in Jamaica with that name. Anytime I meet another person with the same name I go balistic like that guy in Highlander. Owen Wilson is a sucky actor.
Summary of my website in one word
BUEATY yes it looks like its spelt wrong but it isn't. I guess it exists to piss off the "Spelling Bee" finalists among us. An aroma od imperfection maybe. But I think it fits nicely between the information and the nonsense.
To conclude this ... "thing", I am gonna infect some other with this. The "lucky" ones are who now must take up the task of answering (and spamming) are Stu, AngryDog and Doctor D
After michaelhalvorsen almost died in a car accident I got to thinking. I need to buy a car. Especially now that I finally got my drivers license. I am not going to go into the details about the drivers license - took a while but I got it eventually. I have always pondered why they sold gasoline to random people so that they can drive around when the JUTC provides perfectly good buses. And will they run out of the stuff by the time I get my car - if ever. I might have to pull some projects out of a hat this month in order to amass the money that the insurance people are going to charge me on my new license. Bastards.
Now for the car, I am looking at something used rather than new. Because the whole new car thing seems like eternal personal debt. Maybe a new one for my second car. 6 years old - not a new shape but with power stuff and windows - I'm not picky. Manual is preferred because I have spent all that time getting lessons and it gives me something to think about when I am stuck in traffic. Traffic which is a constant now-a-days in Kingston and Portmore. 6 to 9 am and 4 to 8 pm every week day. Sheep. But I don't expect to go anywhere between those times - ever. It should be a small car with 2 doors. Not because I have no friends but cars with fewer doors are cheaper and lighter. A lighter car should be more fuel efficient. I care about the environment and hurricanes.
It should be somewhat sporty, so that I tell the hoes "bitch get in my car". I got no pickup lines. I should not need to modify it much but some rims are a necessity. 15 inches rims are cheaper with low profile tires. Because obviously the car will be more than just functionality - it a status symbol. The gasoline dealers association of jamaica were to go on strike sometime last week but called it off for some odd reason. One thing I have always hated about jamaica is that we don't have any kind of oil mining resources.
tristan commented: i got my full license the other day, which means i've been driving for five years, and there's another four until the insurance 'bastards' think i'm a decent enough driver to not rob me blind once a year. fair enough though, i probably am a bad driver x).
if you could (if you're like me, you can't) , you should buy one of those new, super-expensive econo-cars, that do 1000 kms per tank of petrol. you'll have made the money back after driving it for ten years. ... read 5 more