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The shadow project » at the beach

written by michelle, published 2005-Sep-14, comment

related image the water.

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owen commented: You should always wear a bathing suit at the beach or are you hiding your but with a towel? ... read 1 more

10 ways to live longer?

Suggest ways/things which would help a person live longer.

written by owen on 2005-Sep-14, Answer this question11

michael_halvorsen answered: drinkstrong and lovelong. do those and you'll be happy. ... read 10 more

Logbook » Run Out Pon Dem

written by owen, published 2005-Sep-14, comment

I wasn't really planning on making anymore entries to the log but I want to keep my position in the top 5 jamaican websites. So lets see, the murder rate in the country is on the increase but I don't watch the news so I don't worry about it too much. Now the news stations instead of jumping right into the latest murders they wait 10 minutes so as to trick you into thinking its been a murder free day. Despite the fact absolutely no tourists have been harmed. news about far away locations is more entertaining; people keep blaming the whole New Orleans thing on hurricane Katrina but the hurricane is not to blame - its the water. Blame the water, hurricanes are cool.

Nowadays reality shows in america are so bad that you don't even have to have a reality show anymore. All you need is the tapes of the people who sign up for the reality show. Americans will do anything to be on television. Being on television in america is akin to being a fetus in the womb of Brittany spears. The easiest way to sell a million music-cds is to get yourself a reality show about your over privileged life. You can't be on a reality show if your average. You've got to have issues real issues like a teeth fetish or a love for midget porn.

You might take a flight and on this unfortunate day you get a window seat beside a cannibal. Under usuall situations you would know exactly what to do. But on this occasion you left your beef sandwiches at home for fear of being stopped at the metal detector. The flight is obviously packed to the max and there is absolutely no way you will be able to get a new seat. The flight attendants annoyingly check the bathrooms so you could not hide there forever.

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michael_halvorsen commented: i like hurricanes. i hate george w. bush though. ... read 5 more

Where did the following quote about spirituality come from?

I need to identify the original source of this oft used quote about spirituality in my area of work. "Spirituality is that dimension in the person which seeks to be in harmony with the universe, strives for answers about the infinite and often comes into focus when the person faces emotional stress, physical illness or death. It reaches beyond the boundaries of religious affiliation.”

Please help me!

written by Paul on 2005-Sep-10, Answer this question1

mad bull answered: Thats easy, Paul. That quote emanated from me! I am <b>THE</b> Font of Wisdom ... read more

How do you deal with terrible world events?

You watch the news I know you do.

written by owen on 2005-Sep-09, Answer this question13

michael_halvorsen answered: i read as much as i can about it without overloading myself. i also try not watching tv because its depressing. ... read 12 more