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On the menu » KFC July 2022

written by owen, published 2022-Oct-29, comment

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Programming is difficult, Entrepreneurship is arbitrary

written by owen, published: 2022-Oct-29, read 1186 times.

Street Photography » Kingston, Motor Vehicle Depot, June 2022

photos by owen, published 2022-Oct-27, comment

The time I spent in this place I really should I have more pictures but a so it go.

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Logbook » Lightenup

written by owen, published 2022-Oct-25, comment

Waiting on the perfect time to post is just another form of procrastination.  There is no perfect time to post.  You might as well write the words down now before you forget or they get overwritten/buried into your brain.  I do not know what I have forgotten since my last post. I can feel the thoughts but they are too deep down for me to drag them up again without a long rope.  Or maybe a long nap.  In either case there is too much going on now to risk the journey back to that place.

Death has a certain finality about it.  A certain definite certainty.  When someone dies you cry and I think your brain comes to the realization that there will be no new thoughts with that person - no new connections can be formed.  So your brain goes into overdrive clotting all the open edges.  It is a moment of deep reflection.  There is nothing you can do but wait until it's done.  It's like a very slow printer.

I am getting better at taking pictures of strangers so it must be sapping the energy I usually assigned to my other skills.  I do believe in finite energy.  There is only so much you can do.  Only so much time.  The older I get the more I am aware of this time.  The more I want to avoid blindly going down paths which have already been trodden by people, knowingly or unknowingly.  Every time I turn on the pipe and water rushes out I feel blessed.  I feel connected to the greater world - the greater struggle that is life.  Its like a modern zen.  Someday you will understand.  Mechanics, physics, knowledge, wisdom, understanding and everything.

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Street Photography » New Kingston, June 2022

photos by owen, published 2022-Oct-25, comment

I could do a whole set of pictures of people standing hands akimbo. Its just a thing I see everywhere. VM changed its logo at some point to the Kia logo so they can sell more cars? I am not really sure. It was exactly 5:15pm rush hour.

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