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What do you think about lifetime movies?

And why is it always the man's fault?

written by owen on 2005-Jan-31, Answer this question7

Stu answered: I rarely if ever watch LifeTime. Too much of a chick channel for me. ... read 6 more

The Jamaica photo project » Blue Lagoon - Port Antonio

written by Niranjan Mohammed, published 2005-Jan-29, comment

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A world famous Jamaican beach the 'Blue Lagoon', Port Antonio, Jamaica. - APRIL - 2000

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tasha tulloch commented: its a real beautifulsite for nature lovers, well organized ... read 6 more

And the Sign Says.. » not before 6 pm

written by owen, published 2005-Jan-29, comment

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by the pool at a small hotel, in montego bay

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Mad Bull commented: Women always have a plan to spoil our fun, nuh true? check out how that woman on the sign is covering up her poor husbands eyes :-\ ... read more

Software Programming Patterns

written by owen, published: 2005-Jan-26, read 5242 times.

sandeep thakur commented: i don't think practibility of this logic in real cases ... read 4 more

Logbook » Paperback writer

written by owen, published 2005-Jan-24, comment

Part 2 of 2.

It has only been 3 days and as I sit here reading the april 2003 edition of Vanity Fair, I have a sour throat and no internet access. My sister is a novel slash magazine freak. Some suspense others love romances from a woman's perspective. Paperback with far too many adjectives. Not much in the way of entertainment but it give me a way to pass the time.
Usually I would scan though the novel looking for the point at which somebody actually has sex, which usually happens once or twice in a paperback novel. Novels of the same publisher usually insert the sex approximately at the same place in the book. It is as in the case of a lifetime movie in which the sex is not necessary but makes the whole male / female relationship seem normal. That is before everything gets all crazy and he tries to kill her with a kitchen knife (it is always his fault). My sister loves Lifetime Movie Network.
I like the pictures in Vanity Fair not because of the white women but mostly because of how crisp and artsy they are. The articles are not worth much and usually get truncated to the back of the magazine - not cool. Looking at the pictures makes me want to get a digital camera. I had recently discovered (several years ago) that I am the least photographed person in my family and getting a camera will ensure that this does not happen to anyone else.

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michael_halvorsen commented: not only are digital cameras awesome, but 'sour throats's are as well. ... read 3 more