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Traveling without moving » Kensington Ave, Toronto

written by owen, published 2018-Aug-05, comment

Random shops, vintage clothes, food and craft markets. Had a great time, could have spent all day just going around the streets sampling everything. Would visit again, if only to stop by the china man selling old cds; 4 for 10$. Forgot to take a picture of his stop because my camera was already dead but enjoy the cell phone shots below.

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Logbook » Bodak Yellow

written by owen, published 2018-Aug-04, comment

In life sometimes you simply have to cut your loses, bring the horse out back, shoot it and then sell the farm. That point came for me when I realised that water parks are not my thing. I am 100 percent water-parked-out. The chlorine makes my eyes red, slides give me a headache. Everything looks all foggy. It may be fun for a while but at this point I have seen all there is to sea.

Its been almost a week and I can tick Toronto off my bucket list. Its hard to conceive the actual day of the week without looking at my phone.  I am just chilling enjoying my time with these fine people, absorbing the chlorine in the air and the sound of footsteps echoing through the wood flooring. Kicking it Jackie Chan with chicken balls from Japan.

Big city life might not be immediately obvious to the untrained eye. Do not even try to say hi to your neighbours unless they are bleeding heavily from a wound. And whatever you do ensure that you do not get lost without a map or stranded on the highway.

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Logbook » Hurricane Drunk

written by owen, published 2018-Jul-26, comment

I was just at the autoparts place and a man pull up asking for a water pump for a 91 swift. The parts man promptly said "no". The man then jumped back into his car, reverse, car shutoff and start and off he went. At the same time I was there buying the cheapest battery I could find for a 2008 swift. The swift is on its second transmission. This transmission sounds worse than the first but the car runs - bit ruff but the AC north pole cold and it was lady driven. The battery dolly installed the battery and I was on my way as well. I had a long ride to Kingston ahead of me and many police checkpoints to pass before I make this delivery. Lesson: Every man have them struggle.

The summer is hot, I mean really hot like 10 fire side. Every time I see a cloud in the sky I pray its a hurricane coming to wash the heat away. Certainly there will be flash flooding with the ground this dry. I realize that the meaning of summer dramatically changes as you get older but this heat is ridiculous.

One of the hardest things is the ability to let go of the things that do not matter. Eventually the things that you own start owning you. How do you know what matters? You dont, because nothing matters. It is all just stuff going around and around in circles, people covering their ass, not doing their jobs and waiting on the next pay cheque. I run, they run, everyone just having fun. Dont stop.

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Technology, Tax Offices, Uber and Customer-Centricity

written by owen, published: 2018-Jul-18, read 3512 times.

Video Games » Backlog: The Legend of Zelda (1986)

written by owen, published 2018-Jul-16, comment



Starting out

Starting out

I am currently playing through the original Zelda 1 on the Nintendo entertainment system. An adventure game named after Zelda Fitzgerald a novelist from the 1920s who also has a charming little bio-mini-series about her life that you should check out on amazon prime - if you are into that service. As you may know I am into a tonne of retro stuff because new stuff fades away before you even finish paying for it. Anyway so I started playing Zelda, not sure what prompted it initially must be not being able to play BOTW or my own general idleness.

Its a great game so far. I am surprised how many things in the Zelda series of games originated from this initial game. Zelda: link to the Past is one of the first games that I ever completed and loved. I have played many of the other 3d Zelda games over the years but failed to get into Zelda 1 because it has a rough start. It throws you into a open world, weak and no apparent direction. I currently have 9 hearts and I am at the sixth dungeon and I still do not know which direction is up but everything is awesome.

I have tried playing this game before but never got into it because it starts out really slow and the player is very weak. Luckily this time I pushed through it to find a lovely little game under the surface. I could only dream of coming up with a game so simple yet so deep in this day an age of cover shooters and movie games. Once I got over the initial emptiness the game opens up to the point where some sections feel almost as if they are procedurally generated.

As of this writing I have been playing it for 3 weeks or so. I am slowly making my way through the game 1 boss at a time - savoring every moment because I know these old games are not very long.

I also have God of war 1, Persona4 and Metal Gear Solid 3 waiting on me but I am not in a rush to get back into those games at the moment. Maybe that was the reason I took up this game at this point in time - I may never know. GOW1 is a boring trek through pointless set pieces, Persona4 is interesting but very long and MGS3 is a movie with bad controls. I will dust off the playstation 2 as soon as I finish with zelda.
