I could have used a different title but I find that articles written in that formate are a waste of the reader's time. Half-truths and entertainment. They are usually written by "writers" with no experience with the subject matter, merely mimicking established memes like a gear rotating on an axis. R&B songs. Leaves floating on the surface. Over and over in a harmony. A Never changing drum beat. BS. Holding on for their cause. It is pointless to keep dragging these things around in a world where we have so much choice?
I got a new CD, new music. A CD is a piece of plastic that you put into your radio and it spins. I am really loving it. The songs play in a set order and are at really high quality. I could die tomorrow and I would have been glad to have lived to this point. I am trying hard to be humble as you can see. Maybe I am lazy, maybe I am not. Sometimes I am happy, sometimes I am not. I can only be one person at a time. What will I be tomorrow?
I sometimes spend my time doing things to keep my brain occupied because I cannot live on love alone. Its not all about making money. I have to keep searching and swimming around in my own world hoping to find the answer. I do not worry about what will be around the corner tomorrow or what someone may have left around there yesterday. All I know is that you only have one life to live and limited choices in living it, the best you can - in the time you can. No regrets. No crosses to bare. No crosses given.
written by owen, published: 2015-Dec-05, read 2627 times.
Sean Houslin commented: Nice piece ...
One thing you hit on is the memory issue. I have seen OOP, debatably poorly used, bite the dust when processing a few tens of thousands of records on heavy hardware while a 'legacy' pure procedural system on dated hardware did a few hundred thousand / a few million without even a belch ... may be a small one.
It is not a total indictment on OOP but it is way easier/more likely to OOP poorly than to procedurally program poorly. ... read 3 more
It could be, in truth and in fact that we are building a big ship just so we can crash it into the rocks. We could just be blindly moving forward, brick after brick (or wood or whatever you are building your ship out of) building this thing up so that we have the biggest crash possible. Maybe we just innocent by standers and idlers in a great stage play that is on a ship almost like the titanic that is destined to run a shore.
Nothing is a mystery anymore. I have learnt my lesson. I no longer sleep to dream. I am full of kisses. If it doesnt kill me then it will only make me stronger. The moon will keep dragging my tide until I or it escapes into space - free. Time is nothing but the "stop" and the "go". Count your blessings. Time provides the answers that we wondered about when we were young. Hello from the otherside.
I miss it a little bit. But at least now I, we have all the answers and you can work on fun little projects at a pace which is not limited by sacrifice or compromise. Like right now I am slowly working on a game that is 5 years in development. It is in my own world. We all enjoy the madness. We know that one day we will fade away so we pretend to be more than just regular people, doing regular stuff, taking the tourist paths. Never finishing what we start.