Web 2.0 broke HealthCare dot Gov
written by owen, published: 2013-Oct-23, read 4567 times.
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written by owen, published: 2013-Oct-23, read 4567 times.
owen commented: They will come up with all sorts of numbers but even chrome 5 is obsolete/deprecated. At the base the web should still be functional even if its just basic functionality for IE6 users. ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2013-Oct-23, comment
Well since you basically can't smoke anywhere in Jamaica because of the new Anti-Smoking laws there are still signs that exist in some parts of Jamaica that I sure will provide some kind of loophole for smokers.
I took this picture close to St. Catherine heading to Kingston on Highway 2000.
Who shall they go after next? Jet Ski Operators? Handcart operators?
written by owen, published 2013-Oct-23, comment
Took this in the Ward Theatre, Downtown, Kingston.
comment 5
written by owen, published 2013-Oct-22, comment
Ochi Rios, Jamaica
Tami commented: Install a like/hate button nuh. Do i have to comment on every pic i like? cho. ... read 1 more