Do you care about anything? what?
written by owen on 2013-Oct-06, Answer this question3
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Tami answered: Yes. My family and friends. ... read 2 more
written by owen, published 2013-Oct-03, comment
So there is this stretch of rough black sand beach in front of the Airport in Kingston. The beach is very rocky so there is nothing you can do there but stand around and collect pebbles. Sometimes I would go there and look at the ocean whenever I needed picked someone up from the airport. There is even a lighthouse. The NMIA seemed to have acquired funding for some new signs. Recently I noticed that a company installed swipe cards on the doors to bathrooms in a office building - there has got to be so sort of building code against that but you can't expect anything good to come from companies nowadays - its all about the money. Oppressors trying to force people underground. This my friends is the future: "Jamaica: No trespassing".
comment 1
TC Givans commented: Yeah, we parked in front of that sign a couple months ago and picked pebbles with the kids:) In fact, there seemed to be a cycling group that had made it their meeting point that morning too. ... read more
written by owen, published 2013-Sep-29, comment
From New Leaf Vegetarian Restaurant. I am not really a fan of raw carrot unless it is blended into a juice.
Jammy commented: Since when you drink carrot juice? ... read more
written by owen, published 2013-Sep-20, comment
My co-workers chicken nuggets. Another work of the devil. I can never find anywhere that has good nuggets.