Low Life » Blue Sandals
written by owen, published 2013-Jul-05, comment
in bdos. Some asshole stole the last pair of good slippers that I had.
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written by owen, published 2013-Jul-05, comment
in bdos. Some asshole stole the last pair of good slippers that I had.
comment 5
written by owen, published 2013-Jul-05, comment
So I was there in Mandeville chilling when I noticed this dude selling what at the time appeared to be sausages. It turned out that he was selling jerk turkey necks! :o And THAT WAS ALL HE WAS SELLING! 3 for $100. He was doing good business too from people of all age groups and demographics. Apparently this is a widespread fast food including chicken back and chicken feet. I have never been a neck fan which is probably why this has eluded me for so long.
written by owen, published 2013-Jul-01, comment
Got this lunch catered in Mandeville. Cost $900 frigging bucks. I had to leave half of it for dinner. Its a good thing I did not have to pay for it. Don't ask me where they are getting breadfruit and plantains from. Its a good look but 900$ kinda steep for my pocket but its certainly was worth the money compared to what I get elsewhere for 350.
written by owen, published 2013-Jul-01, comment
private eyes be watching you and your money!