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Food and Eats » Yellow Sweet Potato

written by owen, published 2012-Aug-14, comment

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I went to Mandeville a couple weeks ago and mom gave me some sweet potato. I was very suspicious of it. I know its been a long time since I ate it but I don't remember sweet potato being so yellow in colour. She says that how they are nowadays and all the farms are planting the same weird crap.

comment on this food 4

Aurie commented: it look real good tho Owen... ... read 3 more

Food and Eats » DixieLee

written by owen, published 2012-Aug-14, comment

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There is this new-ish fast food joint open in the Portmore Pines Plaza. There are not bad at all. I hope they do well. Always good to see new businesses in Jamaica competing against the corporate whores.

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Food and Eats » Red Baked Chicken

written by owen, published 2012-Aug-13, comment

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Sometimes you can't really trust chinese food. This was catered. A little too red for my tastes.

comment on this food 4

Gods Child commented: Since when do Chinese caterers serve Jamaican boil dumpling? You should check if they are really Chinese or just masquerading. Chinese dumplings are supposed to have a stuffing. That dumpling has no room for stuffing. ... read 3 more

Food and Eats » Expensive Cheese Cake

written by owen, published 2012-Aug-13, comment

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This is probably the most expensive slice of cheese cake I have ever seen in my life. It should be a crime!

comment on this food 5

Gods Child commented: It looks crumby anyway. Why would a cheesecake have crumbs or do I just not understand cheesecake? I thought it should be creamy and smooth. ... read 4 more

Plant Life » Flower Star

photos by owen, published 2012-Aug-13, comment

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A tiny little flower is my mom's garden of randomness.
