Traveling without moving » Library
written by owen, published 2010-May-19, comment

you can get a good 30minutes free internet time there but don't tell too many people cause you have to join a line and there are only 5 computers.
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written by owen, published 2010-May-19, comment
you can get a good 30minutes free internet time there but don't tell too many people cause you have to join a line and there are only 5 computers.
iriediva commented: so dont badda post it on a website den? oh wait [upset] ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2010-May-08, comment
8:27 I'm begining think that time itself had totally stopped and I was bobbing about in a sea of crude oil. I think I was mostly trying to avoid going to sleep, usually in Kingston I would be up watching cable but here in Mandeville, there really was nothing else to do but sleep. Sleep until you die. It seems that the slow wireless internet connection only works during the day (even though I can see it at night). Might as well, because when it works - it BARELY WORKS. The night chorus is in full swing, dogs, crickets, little lizards. Not a fire trunk, airplane or siren to be heard for miles, my ears to sting.
Suddenlly a pene-wally came flying through the veranda grill and landed on my leg. I quickly brushed it onto the floor (thinking wow its almost like that scene in the movie Avatar). I could not remember if it had a bite but I doubt it because I used to catch them and put them in a bottle when I was a younger boy. There aren't alot of them now though, must be all the buildings or the pollution or tiger woods or because of the street lights. Though knowing that some are still there brings a certain comfort.
If there is only good thing about the night, then, it must be the fact that it makes for good thinking, dropping prose like pigeon, and watching people return from work/school. It is all the usual suspects, I may write about them someday but not today. I need to gather my thoughts, as the cold air whips pass my bear feet on the concrete, 2 arrive, seed delays, ( its too late, I have 10 roomates), then leaves, to concieve another night.
Tami commented: Sometimes you need to get away from it all to realise what you had back then was good enough. ... read 5 more
written by Mad bull, published 2010-May-02, comment
So, when Owen was thinking of creating the 'Body Shots' category for his website, I was all for it! I encouraged him, saying that I would post pictures of tattoos that people I knew had. He was convinced by myself and a few other people and he finally did it.
Then for days after he created the category, Owen was complaining. "No body shots! See! What did I tell you!". As he had surmised, the pictures were NOT rolling in.
I don't know why other people were not posting pictures, but speaking for me, while I know many women with tattoos (who wants to take pictures of men, am I right?), its not like we are bosom buddies and I can just say, “hey, let me take a picture of your tattoo nuh?â€. See, tattoos are often in places that make it a bit delicate to request to be allowed to take a picture of it, if you and the lady in question are not close.
So anyway, yesterday, I asked one of the ladies that I know who has this fetching tattoo on her right ankle if I could take a picture of it and she said yes. Who tell me to do that?!!! Natty borrowed my phone to take a picture of something and she saw it and <strike>she went ballistic!</strike> she got a bit miffed, shall we say.
I explained the picture away by telling her all about Owen's 'Body Shots' category, and so now I come here to post it, only to find that Owen has become all picky and choosy and he wants the pictures to be at least 700px wide and 525px height or larger. Damn!
And I bet he has code to block my picture if it doesn't match his specs too. >:^(
Well, I am going to try to post it anyway, and I am going to link it back to my blog and I will also post it there. If the picture doesn't make it to Owen's site, then maybe the link will, and people can click through and see the picture at my site. I hope it works. Here goes nothing....
Here is the link to the post at my site, just in case...
I hope you enjoy it :^)
comment 7
owen commented: Well as they say better late than never. I meant to change that message about the size from long time but I working on changes in the local build that I simply can't upload yet. Cellphone pix are EVIL! So it go. Maybe I should rename it "FootShots", cause the feet are [url][caption]winning[/url], lol. [smile] ... read 6 more
written by owen, published 2010-May-01, comment
Don't block hospital entrance
comment 2
written by owen, published 2010-May-01, comment
Cell tower in the center of mandeville