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written by Mad Bull, published 2010-Apr-12, comment

Pretty little wet bikes all in a row...
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written by Mad Bull, published 2010-Apr-12, comment
Pretty little wet bikes all in a row...
owen commented: I think they are called "Jet-Skies" ... read more
written by owen, published 2010-Apr-09, comment
As the water situation worsens some people may be taking it to hurt;
NB. Views expressed are not necessarily those of owensoft and company or kittens. Rated PG 16.
There maybe more at TheIanlyn youtube page.
How is the lack of water affecting you?
comment 5
Apocalypse commented: It hasn't had any drastic effect on my life. I was always the person preaching to persons about conserving water esp at school. The water situation at my home is what it always was; water every other day :( ... read 4 more
written by owen, published 2010-Apr-06, comment
prices for boy trim have increased since last time.
owen commented: don't they have smaller heads? [sceptical] ... read 2 more
written by Tami, published 2010-Mar-28, comment
You'll be damned if you do, damned if you don't! Who to please? When to please? How to please? We can't please everyone but sometimes you just have to take what you get.
The heat is on, i think it's about 90 degrees outside and inside the un-AC-ed building the temperature is even higher since the electricity went. You can smell everything minus the AC at the office; people's breathe, the secretary's sweaty underarm, that girls' stocking eww, this is probably her third time wearing it without washing it.
Every few months this shit happens, especially around summer time. The electricity goes out then the Air Conditioning breaks down, then low voltage, then someone farts and you walk into it at the printer! Gross!
It's 2 pm in the afternoon, a time when niggaritis hits after consuming the over night food we all had for lunch, 4 out of 6 people are yawning, the other 2 are partially asleep at their desks, but from a distance they still manage to look busy.
I need to go home from this heat, maybe I should talk to the boss.
Gods Child commented: you got to please yourself ... read 2 more
written by owen, published: 2010-Mar-26, read 4353 times.
Tami commented: Was this an essay? ... read 3 more