I have a fascination with things in nature. This is a photo of the top of a guide rail along the edge of a pathway. It was made of rough cut pieces of timber.
There are certain people that I avoid. And certain people which are simply unavoidable. After many years of research I've discovered something that I've always known - that lawyers, women that work in banks and nurses are not particularly good for my health or carefree lifestyle. I've said it before, many times, I live in my own world so stop pyschoanalyzing me! I have Sigmund Freud blocked on both facebook and hi5. This world is only gonna break your heart.
I'm eating bread pudding for lunch because the lunch people are being evil, while I watch a TED talk by Felix Denis and sip on the Citrus punch I brought from home this morning. Made with natural spring water (as if it matters). Nothing good can come of this, time rules all. Youth can never come again, we have drunk the summer wine. So much to do so little time. Count thy blessings, not thy years.
I have some cool new projects in the back of my head but there is never the right time or mood to get them out. what you are seeing now are ideas that have been festering in the back of my head 10 years ago. I don't know. Take it easy on the baby food. I bought a bag of apples and I'm going to go home and eat them. Today is the best day ever. Tomorrow, Saturday, I will remember to get up early,it going to be a long day. Have a good weekend and just dance, its going to be ok.
written by owen, published: 2009-Jun-04, read 6052 times.
Stewpeas commented: Owen, why did you go out of your way to annoy me this morning? Not optimized for performance? Harder to maintain? Those are big claims that you don't back up. with anything but some toy examples. Yes, if you apply three levels of modularity to a nine line program then the result will be unnecessarily complicated. Wow, big news, stop the presses!!!
Modularity is inherently a good thing, in the same way that nutritious food is inherently a good thing, but that doesn't mean they can't be abused. Try writing and maintaining even a small program, say about 10,000 lines, with little or no modularity and see. ... read 8 more
Tami answered: Not even on FB do i have an urge to give a status update every umteenth second.
I'm hoping we get a massive power cut for like a week soon and all cell phones go dead.
Suicides will be committed.
LOL ... read 12 more