The Jamaica photo project » Pool
written by owen, published 2008-Jul-21, comment

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toha commented: waw it's so cool ... read more
toha commented: god bless ... read more
Do you believe that when your family members die, they still know whats going on with you here on Earth, and that they will be there to greet you on the other side when you die?
written by mad bull on 2008-Jul-18, Answer this question15
Gods Child answered: no I don't think they could stand to see me or anyone else suffer what kind of God/supreme being would allow them to see us struggling to make ends meet, getting into accidents, being humiliated, injured, abandoned and all that and not able to do anything to comfort us? That would be hell. ... read 14 more
written by owen, published 2008-Jul-17, comment
Well I like anybody else that lives in this day and age have nothing against the random sex tapes and explicit pictures of people that get emailed about the place like hot bread. I have to admit that I at times have gone in search of said content if only to say that I had seen it - I don't know maybe its a certain voyeuristic tendancy in us human beings. BUT I HAVE TO DRAW THE DAM LINE SOMEWHERE!
Now Jamaican people tek it to another level. This morning I get a email in my inbox of the victim of the accident that happen in half way tree. I'm sure you all know the accident I'm talking about - its the one where the pregnant news paper seller got hit by a runaway truck. Now whomever took these pictures must have been a CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATOR OR SOMETHING. THE PHOTOS WERE THAT DETAILED. HIGH QUALITY. I could make a post card. By the time I got there the body was already cover up but in the pictures the body look like it still warm. But as you can see from my picture above I stare from the crime scene. I am not into the live action ting when it comes to Grind House.
I even hear that there is video of it as well. Unnu no have nutten fido wid unnu cellphone? tek some picture of some flowers or people in compromising situations. Why you gots to be up in all the grizzleness? All I have to say is hats off to the photographer - you HAAAARRRRAAAD CCOOOORRREE. Taylor is you?
comment 12
Mad Bull commented: Sick fux! Look how they have disturbed the family of the woman! Dem wah two gunshot! ... read 11 more