Office Space » View from 32
written by SE, published 2008-Jul-02, comment

The view from my office calms me when I'm havin' a bad day.
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written by SE, published 2008-Jul-02, comment
The view from my office calms me when I'm havin' a bad day.
comment 4
mad bull commented: Where in the world is this again, SE? ... read 3 more
written by owen, published 2008-Jun-29, comment
We and a random stripper were talking about cricket and how boring it is to watch compared to other sports such as basketball, football and something else. Party and Bullshit. Cricket was never really a spectator sport. Some people just relate to it more than others. I realise that my voyeuristic tendancy is much higher that others. Its a funny thing when you live in somebody else's reality - nothing really makes sense, you just go with the flow. Track field on the other hand is perfect spectator sport.
Then I went into western union to pay my child support when the teller asked me; "Where was the source of the funds". She had to ask me 3 more times before I realised that "murders and executions" was not the right answer. Government gots to be watching people's paper and taxing all the hos nowadays.
After that I went to the supermarket freezer hoping to find something to drink which hopefully contained more than one vitamin. Unfortunately I came to a rude awakening. Apparently, I'm living in a world full of fat people. EVERYTHING IN THE FRIDGE WAS DIET. Where have all the normal fatty processed foods gone? Its just a matter of time before the big secret corporations come up with a way to make diet chicken and vegetables. God only knows where I'm be without you.
mad bull commented: So what is it that you have? What is your engine? A highly modified version of wordpress, with your own themes, or something you built from the ground up? And trust me, this look is so basic! your look was hotter. Anyway, who am I to talk, So many people hjave told me they like my version 2 site more than the latest one, so... [confident] ... read 15 more
written by owen, published 2008-Jun-29, comment
I remember when they used to steal televisions who of waiting areas. Apparently they still do.
written by owen, published: 2008-Jun-24, read 3997 times.
Gordon Swaby commented: Your rant is nothing new, calm down:P ... read 4 more