The high life » new Kingston
written by owen, published 2008-Jun-02, comment

5th floor LOJ building
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written by owen, published 2008-Jun-02, comment
5th floor LOJ building
comment 8
put them on the table
written by owen on 2008-May-29, Answer this question6
Tami answered: Ace baby! ... read 5 more
written by owen, published 2008-May-29, comment
When I arrived - the first time they (the woman behind the glass door) said I had to make an appointment. I think she just wanted to cramp my style. "Tomorrow" I replied with a smile, popped my collar and dusted the dirt off my shoulder like a pimp with a lollipop and a little collie weed. "Only Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays" she replied stabbing me in the heart, sensing that I was in a rush and a habitual late comer. Darkness. I could not tell what she was about, had not cards to put on her table.
Two weeks later I arrived again - early (which should have struck me as a sign of doom) only to see people waiting in the lobby, painted yellow with green chairs and magazines on a shelf in the corner. Apparently here scheduled time is merely a means of crowd control and nothing else. Apparently this was one of those afternoon centric offices.
The thing about waiting in the lobby is that they fail to get new magazines. I found myself reading through 4 year old editions of cosmopolitan, laptop tech, women's health, womens fitness, healthy living and a teen pop magazine - which I can't remember - which explains alot. I was lost in my copy of cosmo when the sexy little lady sitting across the way started looking at me weird - she was begging me to say something funny but I could sense she wasn't real - she was too much - a train wreck waiting to happen. It felt like I was there for 5 days when the doctor finally arrived - looking like she had just come back from a night on the town - pigeons and crumbs.
owen commented: i'm starting to think that you you stop starting to think ... read 8 more
written by owen, published 2008-May-20, comment
what can you tell me about this?
add comment 15
Tami commented: haha. Make sure you catch it on tape! ... read 14 more
written by owen, published 2008-May-20, comment
So I got a xbox360 to borrow in exchange for my Wii. Apparently Carnarge is a first-person shooter nut. I am going to now review all the games I got my paws onto. I should note though that I am from the PC-FPS crowd so I hate the aiming with the right analog stick. So it may affect my liking of certain games. Note also that I've played alot of games and have never seen a xbox360 upclose. What I notice about the xbox 360 games is that often times it like I'm watching a movie instead of playing a game. Or I'm playing the game so that I can get to watch the next movie. I like playing music in the background while I'm playing games (sometimes). The user profile and achievement system is good and nicely implemented. So without here goes;
I ripped Eminems: The Curtain and The best of Sade to the harddrive. Its kinda nice, but the brick makes alot of noise and fear it may red ring if I play it for more that 3 hours.
Lots of green and the knife kills everything. I like the knife. Nothing more to say right now.
More WWII, I may play this later if I get drunk enough.
250,000 Acres of bush but it has beautiful water. I kinda ran around in this game for a bit and might decide to eventually finish it. The vehicles are kinda meh but the overall game is like GTA on a Caribbean island. The AI is flaky at most some points and the music is mental but the freedom and the diversity of the island makes it a interesting adventure shooter game. Except maybe when you have to travel 2500 kilometers to your next mission ON FOOT! For a sandbox that big the main story is incredibly short, it ended before I realised that I reached the 25th mission. Its still fun though, at least I can tackle the side missions.
The game engine is superb;Can't wait for part 2.
So the game started out in bar and I'm like "cool, I can turn off the lights just like in Dukenukem". Then 10 minutes later I got abducted by aliens - I meant really? Why do you have to set you game in a dam alien space ship? Everything is dark and shiny in the Doom3 engine and I'm like why am I here? Rooms, rooms everywhere! sometimes I wondered why aliens had so many unecessary rooms with one entry point and one exit. I mean if a fire should break out on that spaceship those aliens are fucked.
I watched a guy play this game and I think he was skipping the cut scenes because the story lost me at some point while he was going through the subways. Why does the dude like to talk to himself so much? Was he born yesterday? zero back story. I didn't play this one at all - couldn't bother.
Dark and moody. From what I heard about the game I kept my gun close to me until the first mission when a CRACKHEAD KNOCKS ME OUT AND TAKES IT AWAY :(. I end up chasing the guy through a unfinished crack house. The main character of this game must live in the worst part of the nieghbourhood because the whole game looks like a big UNFINISHED CRACKHOUSE. Not saying that the game looks bad, but can the environment be any less depressing? I forgot to go back to this one.
Two words: Sucks Ass. I have to admit it gets kinda better if you play the career mode - single player. Though on the canyon track the cars tend to launch into the air if you touch certain parts of the wall.
The aiming in this game is baaad - I think the pointer moves too fast or too slow or something. High production values but the game itself I think is just too cluster-phobic. Point black shots will often miss, cops/enemies rain down on you, bullets everywhere and most likely you WILL ALWAYS GET SHOT FIRST.
I like it, simple stages that actually make sense. Some slow down and stupid A to B story telling. I am this point where I come out into the open and I see this tunnel across the way, so I make a B line for the tunnel only to have the mothership land infront of me. So I say to my self I hope I don;t have to go into that stupid ship just some EXTRA WASTE OF TIME STORY CRAP. So said, so done, I get forced into the stupid ship for a half and hour of talking only to get sent out INTO THE SAME DAM TUNNEL.
So far it seems like another generic army shooter. Starts in Iraq, then in mission 2 goes to the Nevada desert which looks EXACTLY like IRAQ. I have seen enough sand for one game. Simple run and gun game, I might attempt to finish it. After playing it abit more its just too "A to B". The AI is silly, the level design is linear and has nothing new to offer to the player. The audio is good though, it would have been a better movie, I would sit and watch it. Finished it, waste of time, totally forgettable. I'm beginning to hate UnReal Engine, it seems like just an excuse to make stupid pretty games with no substance.
Tennis. It doesn't seem to be better than Virtual Tennis on the Dreamcast. Its ok.
Its good. Its like Max Payne on steriods. Nice voice acting, gameplay, cut scenes. I will definately try to finish this one just to see who else gets killed IN STYLE!! After a while so many enemies came into the stage that I just stopped playing. Its ridiculous, my hands got tired.
comment 4