Into the Blue » Construction 1
written by owen, published 2008-Mar-09, comment

new kingston janaica
Create a New Topic / New Post.
Which do you prefer?
written by Tami on 2008-Mar-06, Answer this question16
Gods Child answered: I want to write in a candidate please: Wayne Brady ... read 15 more
written by owen, published 2008-Mar-04, comment
Took about a week, rest of the time spent testing. It is basically a big news magazine. There is no content that is ACTUALLY on the site, however the sites purpose is to direct people to where the content exists. Its like a REALLY FANCY BLOGROLL. Any suggestions are welcome. Right now anybody can post links to any blog posts or news stories they wish ( even if its your own ). So if you watch a movie or you anixous about something or you caan cook or wrote something that you'd like to share just click the "submit link" link and add it to the site.
It will look better as I mess with it over time and get user feed back....anyway.....News - Today on the Internet(Working Title).
Its pretty simple whether its worth while is yet to be seen. Its all about self promotion, directed local content and ease of use. There are only 3 sections now, more sections/countries/categories can be added if needs be. There is no comment feature on the actual site (as users are encouraged to post comments on the actual "linked" site). I have full control of it so don't hesitate to tell me what needs to change to make it better.
Tami commented: Owen has other ways of making money. [mocking] ... read 8 more
written by owen, published 2008-Mar-02, comment
delayed ?
written by owen, published 2008-Mar-02, comment
destination 2