How to tell if you are an IT person
written by owen, published: 2007-Nov-25, read 4480 times.
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written by owen, published: 2007-Nov-25, read 4480 times.
bobby commented: This list defines a geek and a nerd in one.... "gerd" then again who am i to talk don't know jack shyte bout anything or nothing ... guess that makes me just a thought oh well .. who cares ... read 14 more
written by owen, published 2007-Nov-23, comment
Behind the scenes with the Japanese Orchestra for Super Mario Galaxy.
blogoria commented: awesome!!! ... read more
written by owen, published 2007-Nov-23, comment
I remember when $35 could buy lunch
add comment 11
Stuart (Kingston, Jamaica) commented: Watch out, Owen. You might get a lot of oldish people like me talking about how they remember when $2 could buy a patty and a drink. Or worse really old people talking about what they could buy with a Quattie. ... read 10 more
Its seems to be popping up more often.
written by owen on 2007-Nov-21, Answer this question15
Gardistan answered: Should be 50/50 ... read 14 more
written by owen, published 2007-Nov-18, comment
I've always wondered how profitable it was.
comment 5
bobby commented: Own a car with hub cap and you'll figure it out ... read 4 more