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Traveling without moving » Bus Stop

written by owen, published 2006-Aug-13, comment

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In front of portmore mall. Before the toll, the bakery and the castle 2004_09_09

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The random photo journal » bag the pc

written by owen, published 2006-Aug-13, comment

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hey, lets wrap the computers in garbage bags so the hurricane can't use the internet.2004_09_09

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jane22 commented: that's why we still have issues down there the hurricane couldn't e-mail fema and tell them that the city (new orleans) would need them. ... read more

Why do your friends like you?

i.e. if you have friends

written by owen on 2006-Aug-09, Answer this question10

Kami answered: They say am bubbly and fun to be around ... read 9 more

Blog Jamaica » Happy Independence Jamaica

written by owen, published 2006-Aug-07, comment

You're certainly getting on in age. Can't believe you're now 44! Wow! For a tiny island, you've made some serious strides boy (or are you a girl? hmm, I wonder). What I like about you is that you put so much energy into things that you get involved in and so you're relatively well-known. Unfortunately, you're known for the bad as well as the good. So yes, you've made your mark in the more

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michael_halvorsen commented: Happy B-day Jamaica. You deserve it. ... read 4 more

Should we continue to eat animals?

Because we don’t have to. We have other means of survival. we’re smarter than them

written by owen on 2006-Aug-03, Answer this question9

Mad Bull answered: We probably shouldn't but its so much fun! ... read 8 more