Does race influence one`s level of aggression?
cuz i can ask...
written by Oddone on 2006-Jun-06, Answer this question10
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cuz i can ask...
written by Oddone on 2006-Jun-06, Answer this question10
Gods child answered: no and because I got this error: Is that all you can say; no? you aren't much of a speecker are you? I'll just add, no I don't think so. Anybody can be an ass. ... read 9 more
written by owen, published 2006-Jun-04, comment
The movie was fill with a lone of extra X-men characters this time around. Some mostly useless and others pretty nice. The director/writer often used too many "tells" for example there is a scene when Storm and Wolverine are walking through some fog. Wolverine says "I can hardly see a thing" and Storm replies "I can fix that" and then the director zooms into Storm's face and her eyes turn while then she clears the fog. Stuff like that happens all through out the movie in VERY obvious situations. But in the end it was a very good super hero movie. Rogue does nothing but be a big baby as usual. In fact most of the characters do nothing much but it hard to really make equal use of all the characters in a movie like this. X-men and none x-men fans alike will love its flashiness and massive special effects scenes. There is no Gambit and Wolverine is still unstoppable. A must see. There is a scene after the credits that gives you a LITTLE bit of necessary information about the story - you need to see it but its not worth seeing (does that make any sense? ). I give it a 8 out of 10. Very good movie could be better but no major blunders.
Stunner commented: I'll just wait for a DVD. ... read 10 more
written by owen, published 2006-Jun-04, comment
Poseidon is a movie about a ship that over turns in the middle of the ocean. A lot people in the wrong place at the right time. They have to survive and the unimportant people die one by one. Poseidon is the name of the ship that gets knocked over by a "a rouge wave". 6 out of 10. I kept think about the Titanic the whole movie. Kurt Russell needs to make another "Escape from New York" or somewhere of the sort.
mad bull commented: I saw the original. It was excellent, IMHO. I took from that show the main theme, "God helps those who help themselves" and I have tried to make it my mantra... Was that theme emphasised in the new one? Strangely enough, I thought X-Men would get a bad rating and Poseidon would get a good one... ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2006-Jun-04, comment
Its been a long time since I have seen a movie with a more stupidly annoying set of characters. I mean every single person in the movie requires a swift kick in the nuts in order to communicate. I did not watch the series so I don't how the characters in that were acted. There is a little girl in the movie that is allegic to peanut butter and is afraid of terrorists, the son is crazy, the father is crazy and everybody they meet in the movie is a head case. The movie has some intense scenes through even if the story is sketchy. "Do you have room?" So yeah there are some pretty good scenes but for the most part the characters get themselves into some very odd "lifetime movie" situations. Its worth the watch though, even if you just want to stick your hand into the television and choke the actors to death. I give it a 7 out of 10. Good science fiction movie but with annoying character acting. "There is room for a 100 more!"
Gods Child commented: Read the book, it's better. Did you see "The Time Machine"? That was also an adaptation of a book by the same author, H. G. Wells. He's a good writer and shouldn't have to have his work be interpreted by such shoddy actors. From the get-go I was not going to see this film--why? They changed the background of the lead character and made him a dead-beat dad. The guy in the book is a rich bachelor staying with a friend who is a family man. Totally different level of motivation. The guy in the book is free to observe the creatures and speak objectively about the citizens of England running away from them. The guy in the movie has a distraction--his kid. ... read 8 more
written by owen, published 2006-May-29, comment
I have not being doing much lately. The disappointment of the love that was lost has left me a broken man, a man with no hope. Like a monkey. Yeah, I've been busy with work with projects, school and women who annoy me for pleasure. I have looked into the classifieds again but I have not called any of the few that I have seen - I do not know why. All weekend I have nothing but wash clothes, TV and think about how better life would be if she was with me, instead of else where being molested by pirates, riding dirty.
I did meet that girl on the bus again, she told me her name was Monique. Luckily I had some rap music on my ipod shuffle - she said she liked 50. I taught her how to skip the Shania Twain, Capleton and Pop Rock - my tastes vary. You are never sure what unconventional and slightly strange people you'll meet on the bus, so I mix it up. But anybody who says they only like rap music had to be really tasteless. But it did not matter, she was talking with her friend (who she had not seen in ages) and my neck began to hurt from turning around in my seat to face her. I am not much of a conversationalist so I just fell a sleep. I cannot really sleep on moving vehicle so I faked it. I did not get her number either. Next time I will ask her why she is always on the bus that late at night.
Everything would work if it were only up to me. I have lots of work to do. Buy it use it, break it, fix it, crash it, use it, change it, now upgrade it, charge it, pawn it, zoom it, pause it.
Gods child commented: Yeah, you don't want to mix up too much with a girl who likes 50. Strictly homework help with this one I think. ... read 6 more