If you could say one last thing to an ex, what would it be?
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written by Iyalode on 2009-Feb-11.
'Cos..i wanna know the answer..an mi fass
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Page is part of Questions in which you can Ask a question.
'Cos..i wanna know the answer..an mi fass
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can we see each other again soon
by bobby 2009-Feb-11
do you s&%& #@$ $#@ now? :D
by Peppa 2009-Feb-12
I effed your new gf last night. [confident]
by Tami 2009-Feb-12
Interesting reply, Tami... [mocking] Freakeh!
by Mad Bull 2009-Feb-14
hehe, shhhh [innocent]
by Tami 2009-Feb-16
i am sorry, i still feel guilty.
by Dutty 2009-Feb-13
The new broom sweeps clean, yes, but the old broom knows the corners, gurlie! 'Memba dat!
Nah, just kidding... I don't have anything wexciting to say to them... hello, maybe...
by Mad Bull 2009-Feb-14
I would say "I'm praying for you because you need it".
But I would also have a lot of questions because when u break up with somebody, you break up with their whole family and most of their friends, esp if u didn't know those ppl before
so I would want to know, What happened to Ms so and so's daughter, did she get into that school? And did that man come out of the hospital? and so on.
by Gods Child 2009-Feb-14
My comment would depend on which ex it was.
by Stunner 2009-Feb-14
thank you for the things left unthrown

by owen 2009-Feb-14
#2 sounds too hippy, def #1 for me.
by Tami 2009-Feb-16
how dare you call ABBA hippy?
by owen 2009-Feb-16
I have been asked this question before but its usually by people who have some sort of a problem explaining their motives for annoying me.
by owen 2009-Feb-17