
The random photo journal, page 13

random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo

My Own Worst Enemy (Trapped)

written by Simplenigma, published 2007-Jun-17, comment

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Sometimes I feel like I'm my own worst enemy...this was one of those days.

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madbull commented: Nice, nice picture! Anyway, we all feel that way at times. Know what has me trapped? Money... or rather, the lack of it. ... read 2 more

ice cream

written by owen, published 2007-Jun-08, comment

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This is the last pic of her I'm going to post I promise :) hmm...I could always do a masthead. lol

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Gods Child commented: what will u ever do when u have your own? ... read 7 more

I've Got Him In The Palm of My Hand

written by Simplenigma, published 2007-Jun-04, comment

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There are those rare, fleeting moments when you feel like you have the upper hand in a relationship/liaison. This was one of those lasted all of 2 hours...

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owen commented: with a hand like that I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. He should get a medal of honor. ... read 11 more

No smoking

written by owen, published 2007-May-24, comment

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written by owen, published 2007-May-17, comment

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My Sister's Mitsubishi Television with 50/50 split screen feature.

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Gods Child commented: has your sister considered repainting? Or does the white suit her just fine? ... read 4 more