Why I am not too big on using Github (programming)
written by owen, published: 2015-Sep-23, read 2783 times.
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written by owen, published: 2015-Sep-23, read 2783 times.
written by owen, published: 2015-Jul-17, read 14951 times.
written by owen, published: 2015-Jun-23, read 2889 times.
written by owen, published: 2015-Jun-23, read 2972 times.
written by owen, published: 2015-Jun-16, read 3213 times.
owen commented: TRUNC is not all bad it does have a purpose when used. It takes off the time part of the date making the comparison a whole date without the time getting mixed in. Without trunc you would have to use '31-JAN-2015 23:59:59' to get the last hours included in the results. So don't go changing stuff that works without knowing the side-effects and testing. If it aint broke..... ... read 2 more