
Questions, page 43

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what have you learnt from 2008?

written by owen on 2008-Dec-28, Answer this question93

Tami answered: ...that no matter what, people will talk. ... read 92 more

what are your favourite ___s of 2008?

Fill in the blank and answer the question.

written by owen on 2008-Dec-20, Answer this question10

faith answered: So am I supposed to fill it in then answer it? "What is/are your favorite candidates of 2008?" Chuck Baldwin/ maybe Ron Paul ... read 9 more

Look around, what would you throw at Bush?

written by owen on 2008-Dec-17, Answer this question9

dutty answered: An old PC monitor and hope it miss. ... read 8 more

Your Christmas 2008 wishlist, what are they NOT going to give you?

written by owen on 2008-Dec-16, Answer this question21

trini answered: I want a version of Mac OS that runs on a PC without hacks. ... read 20 more

Would you trust food if it had the label 'Made in U.S.A for international sales only'?

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written by Tami on 2008-Dec-12, Answer this question20

Pepper answered: hhhhhhhmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... read 19 more