Staying up late into the wee hours of the night meeting project deadlines and playing a certain video game from hell often leads to being sleepy all day. My addiction to insomnia is not new really but is a long, well developed art. Solidified during the days of high school. The trick is to go to sleep before the sun comes up. Then the following day not to drive or do anything that requires you full attention. Avoiding bright lights as much as possible. It only works for 2 days however. Then after that it's just all fuzzy. Night clubs are totally out of the question.
Mike commented: you hit the nail on the head, my friend. Nightclubs are totally out of the question. It's also a good idea to schedule your insomnia days around the days off you have from work, as I failed to do today...I'm gonna be in a daze all night. ... read 7 more
written by owen, published: 2003-Oct-20, read 13507 times.
Khurt commented: I guess I am not the only one having problems with this God sent program. My MP3 playback is awful, sound really low and the tempo seems too a bit fast sounding like the chipmunks.
Anyway hope a reinstall helps. ... read 29 more
As you may have realized fellow mouse-kittiers, the graphical user interface sucks. Haven't you ever notice how you never get any better at it? Every day you get on you computer and click the start button (or whatever you do doesn't matter). Even though I am a seasoned computer user basic activities are always take the same amount of time to complete. Anyway every day you get up and you click the same button on the interface, you could have clicked it a million times before but YOU WILL STILL HAVE TO LOOK AT IT. It takes like 1 to 2 seconds to figure out where the button is situated. Usually you brain keeps trying to figure out if by some strange occurrence all you icons moved during the night, but they haven't. This is most definitely the drawback of the GUI The constant need to constantly be looking at what your doing. While at the same time reassuring your brain that everything is in the right order and that your not formatting you hard drive. I haven't used the new apple OS X. But it's the same look, point and click kinda interface. When you've use a computer as long or as much as I have you'll begin to realize that even though you know what your doing, the GUI just simply never allows you to do it any faster. The GUI is probably the best thing we have wildly available to us now. But it certainly isn't perfect nor is it going to get any better. The directory file system sucks as well but I will discuss that at a later date.
Slade commented: Fair enough, but where else do we go with it? I suppose you could still head back for a text-only system, or are you thinking about some hardwired-brain interface thingie? ... read 1 more