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Street Photography » Portmore

photos by Owen, published 2020-Nov-05, comment

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Street Photography » Portmore Vender

photos by owen, published 2020-Nov-04, comment

I promise the next time I go out I will start shooting in colour again. In this set I am walking past a street vender selling fruits and some other people selling something out of the back of a car.

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Here is picture I left out of the previous set where I am under exposing to create drama

Here is picture I left out of the previous set where I am under exposing to create drama

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Street Photography » Portmore Lotto

photos by owen, published 2020-Nov-03, comment

I stopped by a mall in portmore St. Catherine and apparently the local lotto was 49 million. I dont think the shop owners update that display because buyers like big numbers.

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Street Photography » Hellshire Beach, St. Catherine

photos by owen, published 2020-Nov-01, comment

While still at the beach I saw some birds flying against the wind and thought I would get a few cool bird pictures but not so with these local birds; they would fly away as soon as I got below them or anywhere even close. I find that it is hard to always get people framed in every shot. Especially in these times when there are so few people out and about. And then on the flip side when there are people you get TOO much people.

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The random photo journal » 2020-08-25

written by owen, published 2020-Oct-31, comment

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